Being a twin has always been a blessing and a curse. With that said, I'd like to point out that I find it as more of a blessing. People say your siblings will always be your "forever friend," but the special bond between twins is something that is hard to put into words.
I have a twin sister and, needless to say, we've always had opposite personalities. She is very organized. She has everything planned out to do that hour, that day and every day for the next three years. On the other hand, I guess you could say I'm more of the "free spirit" of the family--I go with the flow, I don't exactly know where I want to be a year from now, and we just tend to have different interests.
Some people would say our differences are what lead to our fights... and they may be right. But haven't you heard of the saying "opposites attract?" I'm here to tell you your twin is the best friend you'll ever have.
They understand you.
Despite your differences, your twin has been there with you through it all. No matter what situation you're in, or could possibly be in the future, they already know how you're going to react. They know your strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes and quirks, and it totally rocks being able to be your total self around each other.
They're honest with you.
Because, heck, they aren't going anywhere. They truly only want what's best for you, and sometimes you're too blind to see it yourself. They'll be the first to tell you your outfit doesn't match or that the guy you have a crush on completely sucks.
Double the makeup, double the clothes.
Because when you were shopping, you just HAD to make it a point to mom that you were two separate people and needed your own style... well played. When there's nothing in your closet, it's so easy just to walk across the hall to see what they've got clean. If there's no price tag still on it, it's fair game.
They're your sidekick.
You've been causing trouble together since you were in the womb, and it's only gotten worse better since you've been able to walk and talk. Haven't you heard of "double trouble?" Being a twin basically defines that expression.
Love song lyrics relate better to you and your twin.
Two is better than one. -Boys Like Girls
Life with you makes perfect sense, you're my best friend. -Tim McGraw
Can you tell me the one thing you’d rather die than lose, ‘cause mine would be you. -Blake Shelton
They always have your back.
They'll have your back no matter what--even if what you did was stupidly wrong. If you go down, they'll go down with you, then proceed to do whatever it takes to justify your actions.
Two Words: Twin Pics.
No one can resist "liking" a twin pic. Especially if it's a heart-warming candid.
Twin Telepathy
It's kind of a thing. You can tell what the other is thinking simply by a look--there's a look for everything. You probably even had your own language with each other as children.
Simply because they're YOUR twin.
I'm going to refer to a tweet:
No one else in the world can say that that's their twin, only you! How cool is that?! They're your best friend, biggest fan, Number 1 on speed dial, and the first person you want to tell news to. They know you better than anyone else, and it's unfathomable to imagine life without them. I mean, come on, who else would you get ice cream in your pajamas with?!
I love you more than you know, and I'm so proud of everything you've accomplished. The future has great things in store for you. I couldn't ask for a better sister, twin, and best friend!
Love you always!