My addiction to Dutch Bros started when one opened up right around the corner from where my family and I live. At first making the switch was not easy and if it wasn't for my dad no one in my family would have tried it in the first place. After going once, it was clear that this was a place we would be coming to more often and it was more than just a place my family loved. After a few months it was the place everyone talked about. Fast forward a few years and I am in Tucson going to the greatest school (bear down Arizona), but there is no Dutch Bros. To someone who has never tried it, it is not that big of deal, but to those of us who have it is depressing being hours away from the closest one. That is why Tucson, Arizona needs a Dutch Bros.
1. It's Dutch Bros.
Coffee. Tea. Rebels. Frosts. Do you honestly need another reason?
2. People from out of state should get to experience it too.
One of the greatest things about college is that you make friends from across not only the country, but the world. Generally speaking, people from other states do not know what coffee addicts are talking about when they say Dutch Bros. After you mention it a few hundred times they start to catch on and then they wish that they could try this mysterious coffee place that everyone in Arizona (and only a few other places) go nuts over. It's only fair to give everyone a chance to try it.
3. The vibe.
Sometimes coffee shops can be overwhelming. All you want is a cup of coffee and to relax. Instead, you have fifteen other people waiting for their drink trying to do the same thing. It gets loud and somewhere along the way it becomes more stressful than it does relaxing. At Dutch Bros, it is all relaxed all the time (even when things do get a little crazy). You get to enjoy spending time with your friends sipping your favorite drink.
4. The play great music.
Whether you are all about old school music or will only listen the latest hits (and everything in between) Dutch Bros has you covered. They are constantly playing great music from all genres keeping everyone happy. Nothing is better than getting Dutch Bros on a summer night with your friends and enjoying their endless hit music playlists.
5. They talk to you... and its not awkward.
If you work at Dutch Bros you have to be social. They understand that waiting for your coffee every morning can be hard, so the least they can do is have a conversation with you that doesn't leave you wishing you hadn't gotten out of bead in the first place. They're typically never super in depth conversations, but they are the ones that get your day off to a good start.
6. Two words: stamp card.
Buy ten drinks, get the eleventh free. Any drink. Any size. Everyone likes free stuff, especially free coffee.
7. They make work fun.
The first time you pull up and see them having a dance party while each making several drinks at a time you wonder what the heck is going on. After seeing it a few times you do not even question what is happening... you just go with it. They are happy. You are happy (now that you have Dutch Bros coffee). Everybody's happy. Life is good.
8. They Love dogs.
We are all fans of any place that loves dogs. And it is safe to say that the dogs love them back. If dogs love Dutch, we love Dutch. It's that simple.
9. College students mornings would start off much better.
Late nights or early mornings... whatever the reason that college students are tired Dutch Bros will be there for them whether it's supplying them with the best coffee or giving them some extra words of encouragement. Dutch Bros will help make your morning that much better.
There is a reason the lines are long and everyone in Tucson, Arizona should get to experience it.