On April 20, the sorority, Sigma Sigma Sigma, celebrated the day it was founded and 119 years of sisterhood. In honor of my sorority's birthday I thought I'd dedicate an article to the amazing women of Sigma Sigma Sigma. While I could certainly go on forever on reasons why I love Tri-Sigma, here are just a few:
1. The sisterhood.
Tri-Sigma means having over a hundred sisters who have your back. They will laugh with you, cry with you, and become the family you didn't even know you needed.
2. The philanthropy.
There's no greater feeling than coming together with your sisters and also the entire Greek community, to raise money for such important causes. Especially, recently with adding the philanthropy, March of Dimes, it is so amazing to raise money for our philanthropy.
3. The opportunities.
Sigma gives sisters incredible opportunities such as becoming a leader, going to things such as Dunham, and many more.
4. The lifelong friendships.
Not only do you find sisters, but you find incredible, lifelong friendships. There is no bond like the friendships you find in Sigma.5. Big/little bonds.
The bond between a big/little is such an exciting experience. Everyday I'm thankful Sigma brought me my perfect little to help her grow inside Sigma.
6. The home.
Having a sorority house is such an amazing thing. Also, living in a sorority house is an incredible, exciting time. I've created so many memories because of the home I found in Tri-Sigma and the house I get to share with my sister.
7. The support and love.
Finding a sisterhood inside Tri-Sigma means finding endless amounts of support and love from over 100 sisters. It's what keeps you going.
8. The family.
The sisterhood becomes your family. They meet the boys you like, take care of you when you're sick, sit with you when you cry, and are always there.
9. Laughing until you cry.
My best memories with my sisters are the times we just sit around laughing about the most insane things until we are in tears.
10. Memories to last a lifetime.
Recently I was talking with my sisters about some of our favorite Sigma memories and we went on and on about all the exiting memories we have. Some of my best college memories so far are Sigma related, because I'm always having fun with my sisters. From staying up all night before bid day to the mini birthday parties we throw each other, everyday is another amazing memory with my sisters.
11. My values.
A sorority women's values are so incredibly important to her. Because of the values my sorority holds so close, I am constantly trying to live up to them and be a better woman.
12. The push to find myself.
Because of my sisters and this sorority I am always pushed to find who I am. I've been pushed out of my shy little shell, I was so scared to come out of. I've found what I want to do with life and I am constantly motivated and inspired to follow my dreams because of the incredible sisterhood I have.