Going to college is a big decision. When you initially go, you take into account all of the things you think you may want in a university. You consider the size of the student body, the size of the campus, location, general population, and even the size of the classes. But even with constant visits and overnight trips, you may not fully know what you're getting yourself into. For me, that was definitely the case. I thought that Winthrop University was the perfect school for me. It was medium sized, presumably small class size, and a beautiful campus. Within the first semester, I hated where I was. It wasn't that Winthrop was a bad school, but it definitely wasn't for me. I had endured a lot of different things and had to undergo various situations that I never thought would occur. After a very emotional semester, I knew I could no longer stay. I applied to Lander University and the University of South Carolina.
I knew I needed a small school, but the University of South Carolina was too close to home. One of my older sisters was attending Lander University and stressed to me the family, close-knit vibe that Lander University had to offer. So, I chose Lander and went ahead. I was scared because I was a freshman, and that it was the middle of the year. I felt like the freshman had probably already found their friend groups and that it would probably be a very lonely semester. But I decided that anything was better than being where I already was.
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As soon as I came to Lander, I was immediately greeted by people I didn't know, faculty went out of their way to help me, and everyone was so friendly. In the next few months, I fell deeply in love with this small school. I realized this was the place I should have always been at the whole time. I was completely in love.
Not every decision you make is always the right decision. Throughout life, you realize that some places aren't for you and that there are other places you rather be. You realize what you like, what you don't like, what is for you and what is not for you. You realize that your preferences are part of life. When it came to schools, I initially didn't want to switch. I wanted to love my school like every other kid. I felt ashamed about leaving at first. But nothing is shameful about realizing where you want to be. If anything, it shows maturity. Making a decision for yourself is nothing that you should feel ashamed about. If you decide to make that decision or any decision in your life, be proud of it.