The love of bags for a woman is unmatchable. No matter how many bags they already own, every one craves for one more. And out of all the kinds of bags available in the market, canvas tote bags are usually the favorite of ladies. And they have also been the coolest bags this year.
Wondering why?
Multi Purpose
Whether you have to go to the office, or a party, or simply a casual outing, tote bags fit everywhere. The design of these bags is so amazing that any occasion can be easily carried out with such bags.
You can carry your laptop in this bag, or your makeup products ( in short, make it a makeup bag), or you can also carry your gym clothes and shoes. One bag can serve you multiple purposes. Now if this ain't cool, what is?
They are just so stylish and comfortable that you won't ever feel like departing from this bag once you get the habit of this. Its multi utility adds to the charm, leading to ladies looking for their own custom tote bags. So far the craze has only been increasing. And with the time, it is surely going to increase more. Because a lady gotta carry her essentials in something, right?
Huge Variety
Usually, when you talk about tote bags, an image of the old fashioned, long cloth bag comes to the mind. But tote bags in general are of extremely different kinds. When we call tote bags a fashionable statement, that means you can get these bags according to the fashion you are wearing.
Many big brands like Randall, Prada, Topshop, etc. have come out with their own collection of tote bags. And each bag beats the other in terms of stylishness. If we talk about the usual kinds that we see here, then that would be:
1. Wave chain bags - the ones which have a chain strap
2. Wide strap bags
3. Autumn colors
4. Mock Croc bags - Embossed leather ones
5. Luxe Belt Bags - one that can be tied around your belt as well, and so on.
The variety is endless. Visit any bag showroom, and you will find numerous kinds of tote bags there. Whatever style you are looking for, pick it and go ahead. You will surely appear cooler this winter season.