Ah, 2016 is finally over. This past year really didn't seem to go over well for really anybody. Whether you are devastated over the presidential election, Harambe, or taking a solid L on finals week, we can finally say "Thank God it's over!" Now that we are about a week into 2017, I think that a positive outlook is definitely in need to make 2017 the best year yet.
2017 is scary...I mean I have almost been on this Earth for 20 years (in February to be exact) and we all just took the loss of last year. Last year, unlike most years, seems to have not been anyone's favorite. Like all years, there are ups and downs, but so many tragic and weird things happened in 2016 it was a little ludicrous.
But enough about talking about 2016. We are in a new year here, so I hope your resolutions are well into the swing of things. 2017 is a whole new year, so a whole new outlook must be approached. This year I'm approaching it with positivity and taking the year as it comes. Far too many times I have just expected things to happen, rather than just letting them happen. This in fact just stresses me out.
I have to admit, I like to plan things out sometimes. I like to know where everything is going and what is going to happen next, or at least be able to predict it. I have come to find out in the past year that nothing is ever guaranteed, so why spend time stressing out over every little detail? It's much easier to enjoy life as it comes and laugh along the bumps of the road. Nothing is perfect, nor will it ever be.
With the new year comes a whole lot of days to change yourself to be who you want to be. While I think last year was a lot about that, I think as you grow older, you begin to form into who you really aspire to be. Last year to me was a lot about learning to grow independent from my old ties, as I'm now well adjusted to college life. My old friends I have learned to let go of in lieu of new ones and to know that there are plans and many people out there for everyone.
I have learned that being myself is awesome and that changing for somebody is ridiculous. Being yourself in your true form is who your friends should truly love, not some made up person that you form into so you can fit in. Each person is different because we were born to stand out from the others. We all have these perks that make us uniquely us, and we should be who makes us happy, and not what makes others happy. 2016 showed me that being me is cool, and not someone I should be ashamed to be in fear of being called a "loser." And for those who know me, they know I'm weird as heck. But that's how I like to be.
Of course, with the ever changing person comes the ever changing world. I think in 2016 we not only became a whole lot more accepting, but we also became quite sensitive too. Yet that shouldn't make you filter your whole life. If everyone gets offended, then why should it matter? Apologies are always accepted, especially in this new new world and society we are starting to transform in.
This is why 2017 I think will be a good year. Last year was about finding yourself, and this year is about taking life day by day and living as the person you are and have always wanted to be. To another good year on Earth!