As hard as we've all fought, the fight is still not over. More people attended The Women's March than did the Inauguration, and there may be a reason for that.
Here are 5 reasons The Women's March was so important:
1. We are not all equal.
With the wage gap still not being closed, women being treated as objects rather than beings, and our right's being question, we are not all equal, not matter what law says that we are.
2. It is not an, "Anti-Trump," movement.
Women have been fighting for their rights for a long time, this is a nothing new. The Women's March is not a protest against our new president, it is a protest of the oppression women face that should have been fixed years ago.
3. Unlike our current society, the movement was inclusive.
The women march stood up for those who may feel ostracized because of their race, gender, or sexuality. The movement showed that we should celebrate diversity, not put walls up against it.
4. Standing silent is the same thing as standing against.
We were all given a voice. It is your job to use your voice in the way you are comfortable, to stick up for the injustices you see around our world. If you do not, you are already part of the problem.
5. Women's rights are human rights.
If all men are created equal and endowed with certain unalienable rights, maybe we should start acting that way. If men have the right to make decisions about their own body, then so should we.