J.k. Rowling's famous wizarding world is by far the most popular fantasy setting of all time, in fact its so popular that even people who dislike things that are overdone in popularity (such as Disney's Frozen) don't dislike it. That's probably the most legit goal any writer has ever reached. But why is the Wizarding world so captivating to us? I mean its not like almost being killed by a snake-man creature every year would be any fun. Not to mention if you're a syltherin like me you just get dirty looks from every other Hogwarts house and then get thrown into a dungeon when Voldy attacks.
But still, the magic is so captivating. You can make things fly, you can transform things and you can even repair your glasses. And the magic doesn't come with a price, dearie! Despite the magic of the world its still hard to believe how popular it is.
For a long time, before I read the books, I didn't get why people looked in constant obsession at the wizarding world. The movies were fun and all but people were beyond intense about them and talked almost constantly about the next premier. Now, after reading the books, I understand. The wizarding world has quite possibly the most relatable characters to ever be written into a story.
Harry Potter- just an average kid who never wanted any attention from anyone but his parents, but was beyond famous to everyone but them.
Ron Weasley- A dorky kid with big hopes and dreams that are overshadowed by his closest friends and family.
Hermione Granger- The girl who wants to be seen as beautiful inside and out, but is simply seen as an annoying know it all.
Draco Malfoy- A rich white kid who's parents gave him everything and told him he was special. he believed them, because that's all he ever knew, only to find that he wasn't anything special at all.
Severus Snape- A man with severe heartbreak, who risked everything in the name of the love who broke him.
I could go on and on with this list. The point is that not only did J.K. Rowling create a fun and interesting world in, but she created a character to live in it for each of us. While some of us are Harry's or Draco's others are Luna's and Hermione's during our lives. We learn from their mistakes in the wizarding world, and change our attitude in the real world. Harry potter taught us more then how to do face spells or beat up a snake-man. It taught us how to fix certain problems in our lives, and how to live with the parts of us we don't always like.
The Wizarding world is not simply popular because you get to spit light out or a stick. Its popular because its story encapsulates the complications of life and shows us that what you see is not what is true.