On the morning of June 12, 2016, the entire world woke up to the tragic killings of 49 individuals in a night club in Orlando, Florida. Immediately, countries began to stand in solidarity with Orlando. Facebook profiles changed in remembrance of those who lost their lives that day, and vigils were held in cities across the globe.
Lately, it seems like mass shootings have become all too familiar to the Americans living in the 21st century. And each and every time we utter the words “never again will we let this happen,” but it always does. Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” So, why is it that the United States continues to change nothing in regards to gun control laws?
Immediately following these mass shootings everyone is quick to announce their support for those mourning the loss of their loved ones, but weeks and months later the topic is no longer talked about until the next mass shooting. Government changes begin with U.S. citizens; state senators need to hear that their voters want gun laws to be changed. With no one voicing a persistent opinion for change it will never happen and we will continue on this same track of innocent lives being taken from the earth far too early.
Counteracting the pattern of mass shootings in the U.S. should begin with making it harder for an individual to buy a gun. There needs to be a more extensive background check which includes denying those on the FBI’s terror watch list from purchasing a firearm. And thanks to Connecticut State Senator Christopher Murphy, the Senate will vote on two gun control safety measures. Senator Murphy filibustered for 15 hours on the Senate floor until he gained commitments from Republican leaders to hold a vote on amendments that would expand background checks.
The step in the right direction needs to be made now if we want to lower the amount of mass shooting that occur in the U.S. Since the country was shaken up by the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary school four years ago that killed 20 children, there have been 1,002 mass shootings in the U.S. The new gun control amendments are not made to take away freedoms, but to make the country a safer place for everyone.
The best way to get the attention of your state senators and get these amendments passed is using the power of writing and sending letters urging your senator to vote in favor of the new laws. Something needs to be changed if we want to prevent the unnecessary killings of men, women and children. Take a stand today and support the expansion of gun control laws.