The #TrumpTrain is a magical place where people forget about morality and focus on the entertainment of racism, sexism and all of the other -isms. I would personally rather be hit by a real train than be a part of that.
And I think that if I hear one more person tell me that “If you actually look at Trump’s policies, you’d probably vote for him,” I will probably do it. I’ll probably vote for Donald Trump because someone else told me to.
And I think that’s quality advice. Honestly character doesn’t really matter. We are just talking about the leader of the free world who holds power and direction for an entire country. I don’t see the need for he or she to be a good human being. Seems quite trivial.
And also, it’s pretty funny right? Like, this guy is so entertaining. I’m going to vote for him because his sexist comments always make me laugh, especially when I’m in the locker room bantering with my friends.
And don’t forget, Hilary is a liar. She lies and she won’t realize the damn emails. And if you do forget for a second, just scroll through Twitter and Trump will be tweeting about “crooked Hilary.” Having a president with an online Twitter presence, honestly the American Dream.
And no offense to Trump worshippers, or maybe offense, I don’t know.
What is actually wrong with you?
We are not voting for prom king and queen. We are not voting on which sibling has to do the dishes. We are choosing a president. Because are you actually willing to cast your ballot, to exercise your right as a citizen and an adult, by choosing him?
By choosing someone who encourages, who actually promotes rape culture. Someone who actually brags about sexual assault. So does this mean we have to stop the college seminars that work to reduce sexual misconduct? Because if our president is doing it, then what’s to stop everyone else?
By choosing someone who wants to keep diversity out of our country, because it’s not like we were built around it or anything. It’s not like our country exists because people came here from al different places, and it’s not like our country is powerful because of these differences. Let’s all be the same.
By choosing someone who can’t do something as simple as not talk when someone else is talking during a debate. My five year old cousin can do that. I mean, we can’t forget his sacred one-liner in the last debate: “Because you’d be in jail.” Really good content. It was definitely informational and helped me see the blueprint he has for this country.
And if your voting because he’s a Republican, are you really getting it? And let’s be real, how many people between ages of 18-24 actually have built a personal and strong association to one party or another, enough to vote for an awful human being simply because he’s not a Democrat? Are you a Republican, or are your parents? Probably no correlation there though.
And if you’re voting for him because he’s a man and Hilary is a woman, and that’s enough for your decision, I have no comment for you.
And if you’re not voting for Hilary because she’s pro-choice and you’re a Christian, are you really getting it? Because Christianity is a little more complex than a woman’s right to her body.
Because I’ve never heard a Trump supporter explain their choice with his positive qualities, probably because they don’t exist. Instead, they talk about how Hilary should be in jail. How Hilary lies.
And maybe she should, and maybe she has. But it doesn’t take X-ray vision to watch a debate and realize that she’s our best chance. She’s the one you hate less.
Am I voting for Donald Trump? You couldn’t force me.
Am I voting for Hilary? Yes, because she might have a soul.
Am I going to leave the country in November? No, I have maturity and a brain.
But am I eager for the day that I can see voting as a true privilege, because the people I’m voting for are worth it?
I hope we all are.