Why The Greek Tier System Needs To Go | The Odyssey Online
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Why The Greek Tier System Needs To Go

We are all beautiful. We are all wonderful. We are all equal.

Why The Greek Tier System Needs To Go

"We’ve all graduated high school, we’re all adults–hell, a good chunk of us are in our twenties. How old do we have to get before the popularity contest stops?" -gabbygabs, TSM

As a former PNM, now a "new girl", and very active in the Greek community, the issue of the whole "tier system" has us in denial or worshiping it. This is an issue we need to address. It needs to cease. It hurts to hear judgment of not only my sorority, but others as well. It angers me to hear people judge a group a girls or guys and you have no idea who they are. You do not know who they are.

I try my hardest to rise above the tier system. But, there are times when I am terrified to wear my letters, because of what others will think of me. Sometimes, I am terrified to be seen eating food, or saying something "awkward or weird".

"EATING IS A HUMAN FUNCTION. EVERYONE IS WEIRD. GET OVER IT AND JUST DO IT!" -me whenever I feel conscious about wearing letters and possibly doing something odd.

One day, I decided to say "screw the tier system." I am proud of how my sorority has changed me for the better. It's given me confidence in my every day life. I'm sure there are other girls chapters who feel the same way as I do. If this is the case - you should feel proud to wear your letters. You are in a sacred, historical, and meaningful bond with your sorority and the girls in your chapter. BE PROUD! Be proud that you are part of an organization which gives back to not only the community, but to yourself. You deserve to love yourself and work it!

For those who believe in the tier system, I want to address a question to you:

Why should we judge others because of appearance? We should choose individuals based on their hard work, positive attitude, and passion for the philanthropy. Not on looks, hotness, or a "certain brand" to fit the sorority or fraternity. This is not what our founders wanted for their sororities and fraternities.... It's just not.

The tier system is something that is stopping our community from growing. It is not just present at Virginia Tech, it is all over the country. We need to focus on what truly matters: philanthropy, sisterhood, brotherhood, charity, respect, and why we wanted to be Greek. It is not a popularity or "hotness" contest.

For the PNM's who may be reading this article:

Find the sorority or fraternity where you connect with the people, where you have deep, meaningful conversations. It's understandable to not feel a connection at all and drop them - this makes sense. Again, you are looking for a sisterhood or brotherhood - not a "hot girls/guys club". Do not do it based on looks or reputation. It will stop you from making those connections with your sisters or brothers. Being in a fraternity or sorority is about making your best friends for life. It's a bond one cannot simply describe.

So, in conclusion...

Please: log off of GreekRank, stop the "wow, your sorority/fraternity is rising up/dropping!" and the weight/looks/personal comments. Start focusing on the people who need us in the community, your brothers/sisters, and on yourself.

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