"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."-Kate Moss
In 2009, Kate Moss was asked in an interview about if she had any mottos for her life. Her response was "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." Since then this quote has been circulated time and time again and has become pretty iconic. But I am here to say this phrase needs to go.
In a time where girls everywhere are constantly bombarded with celebrities photoshopped like no other and constantly trying to be a sold a new weight loss idea, this phrase is the last thing that needs to be in our minds. This phrase not only affirms that eating disorders are okay, but if you don't have one something is wrong with you.
Why do we want this phrase out there for girls to see?
Why do we want it out there to shape girls into thinking that the only way to feel good about yourself is to be skinny?
It needs to go.
We need to instead say "Don't be afraid to be yourself" or "Eat and do whatever you want that makes you feel good."
We need to build each other up and say it is okay to be confident in yourself. That it is okay to feel pretty even if you are the stereotypical "skinny". It is okay to eat that cheeseburger and to still feel good after you do.
You are beautiful just the way you are. And there are definitely things that taste better than being skinny.