Last night, I was sitting with my parents, and I mentioned having a deep love for a punctuation mark known as the Oxford comma. My mom didn't know what I was talking about, and that is what inspired me to share a short article about what the Oxford comma is, why I love it, and why everyone else should, too! (Did you see what I did there?)
Basically, the Oxford comma is a mark that is so fantastic and fabulous that there is even a song written about it. I'm sure you've used it before, and had no idea you were even doing so.
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Here is an example of the Oxford comma in action:
For our entertainment tonight, my friends and I invited the male strippers, Donald Trump, and Ronald Reagan.
The last comma within the sentence is the Oxford comma, which is also known as the "Harvard comma" or the "serial comma". Its' function is always the same! It comes before the conjunction in the list within a sentence.
Now, many people would say that the Oxford comma is totally optional. I suppose this would be true if you actually wanted to invite the male strippers, Trump and Reagan. But, I don't think you do.
Without the Oxford comma, the meaning of sentences would completely change. One comma makes the difference between three separate people being invited, or two male strippers named Trump and Reagan being invited. See, it's awesome!
The Oxford comma is so important, and helps clear up mistakes that can lead to problems in sentences.
The comma rules all. It is so vital and necessary. Please, be pro-comma.