Despite ending in 2013, "The Office" continues to entertain viewers through Netflix and the occasional reruns on TV. Being 4 years off the air, it's hard to believe an NBC mockumentary would be such a powerhouse for humor. But it is, and we love it. These are reasons "The Office" will always stay relevant.
1. It's the first of its kind
It is safe to say that "The Office" is the first show we are exposed to that consists of a sitcom/mockumentary format. Because of this, it's sparked a cultural phenomenon throughout the United States. "The Office" did away with the laugh tracks, quick punchlines, and unrealistic feel of a show. In return, we got a reality style sitcom where everything made sense.
2. The platform it made for TV shows and actors
Thanks to "The Office," there have been many actors that have been able to find a platform for their work. Mindy Kaling (who was a writer for the show as well as acted on it) starred in her own show, "The Mindy Project." Not to mention Jon Krasinski who starred in "13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi" and Ed Helms who is known for his work in "The Hangover" movies.
There are also shows that were inspired by the mockumentary type format of the show. "Parks and Recreation" with Amy Poehler was a hit with viewers and filmed the same way "The Office" was designed. Let's not forget "Modern Family" and "30 Rock" which attribute to this reality style presentation.
3. The theme song
The great thing about "The Office" is that you don't even need to watch the show to know the theme song. Once you hear the opening notes of the main sequence, you know exactly what's on TV.
4. It will always be relatable
All of the characters in "The Office" reflect the types of people you work with. There's the boss everyone is annoyed by, the quiet receptionist, the man who is so close to retiring and hates everyone around him, etc. Watching the show you'll realize how relatable the cast is, and it makes you want to watch more. You may even find bits of yourself in the characters.
It also makes for a great time when you start comparing people you work with to the people on the show.
5. Steve Carrell
Steve Carrell did a terrific job portraying Michael Scott when he was on the show. No one could have portrayed a more inappropriate joke-telling, but also gullible Regional Manager at Dunder Mifflin any better. If you haven't watched "The Office" yet, you should for the sole purpose of Steve Carrell's humor.
We thought "The Office" wouldn't be "The Office" without Steve Carrell. But we still watched the show, and we still laughed. While viewership count did decrease in the final seasons (more than likely due to the departure from Carrell), watching the chaos unfold at Dunder Mifflin was still entertaining as ever.