Before you start reading this, I want you to know there are no spoilers… absolutely none, other than the fact that the ocean calls Moana and her island needs her to stay. Whether she leaves or stays, I will not say.
I must ask you a question before we begin. Only you can answer this. What does your HEART call you to do? You know exactly what it is. It was the first thing you thought of before your mind kicked in and told you it wasn’t practical, you don’t have the money, you don’t have the experience, you can’t because this could happen. STOP. Your heart knows.
Whatever it may be, is it out of the norm? because if it is, that is good. There is nothing wrong with doing the norm, but eventually, society will become a factory, creating a never-ending cycle. Grow up, go to college, get married, work, repeat. Not that I am against these patterns, but we must not forget who we are in the process and let life run over us and flatten our dreams.
In the movie, ever since she was a child, she wanted to cross the ocean. However, since she was eventually going to be in charge of the island, her village needed her to stay. The ocean was dangerous, and there were so many unknowns.
She convinced herself that she could deal with it and be there for her people. That she could ignore her heart.
However, that only worked for so long.
This is the same for a lot of us. We see the easiest path and the path that pleases the most people. However, pleasing people and taking the easiest path, we give up something extremely important and that is our personality and who we are.
Figure out what you want to do and once you figure that out, figure out what is stopping you. There is always a back way to finding the path to your heart.
We only have one life. And for some, they don’t get a chance to live it. That means, that if you can make your dreams come true, you should try your hardest to live it for those who cannot.
Like Moana, don’t give up on who you are. It can move you to do amazing things in this world. Also, with how cliché this may be, always follow your heart.