The Kardashians have been in the spotlight since the first episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians premiered in October of 2007. Since then they have been taking over the world and honestly why are they famous?
They don’t really have any talent except that they look good (but that is all plastic surgery). Yet everyone is glued to their TVs when the newest episode comes on. Now, girls strive to be like them and it honestly makes me sick. Everything about them is fake and the drama that is on the show is only because there are cameras in their house. They have DASH stores but honestly, could they really accomplish that without fame? No.
They are famous for being famous. Kim’s robbery in Paris was splatted all over media and everyone was so focused on that. Nobody even care about Hurricane Matthew killing hundreds in Haiti. It’s sad that we live in a world where Kim Kardashian is more important than people dying. I honestly don’t know why everyone likes them and after this latest news with Kim, it should be time for them to step out of the spotlight.
This should have been a wakeup call for the family and I really hope they take a step back from fame. I have watched only a few episodes of their show and I wish I hadn’t. I feel like I have lost brain cells from the 30-minute episodes. I understand that being held at gunpoint is terrifying and I would never wish that upon my worst enemy. I do hope Kim is doing okay and I know she has been quiet on the media lately, but it’s time for her to just focus on dealing with this and being with her family and not worrying about taking selfies and Instagramming her expensive jewelry.
She has plenty of money to not work a day in her life again. She needs to think about her kids, and when they grow up learning about how their mom had nude pictures on the internet and other similar videos. I hope to live in a world one day where no one cares about the Kardashians and will focus on more important things in life.