If there's one thing that all of us students can agree on, it's that college can definitely be both the best and worst experience of your life.
The worst in terms of all the debt you're enduring and the stressful nights of doing homework. The best in terms of all the fun you'll have, the endless opportunities handed to you, and most of all, the lifelong friends you make.
Out of my four years of being in college, I've realized that the people I have met thus far have become some of the best friends I'll ever have; sometimes even more so than my friends from high school.
The bond that has grown with the groups of friends that I've made is amazing, and there are a plethora of reasons why.
1. In high school, you were only friends with a lot of people because you saw them every day. In college, you're not forced to see anyone and you see who you want to see. Everyone has a busy schedule and you'll make time for the ones you truly care about.
2. You have fun doing anything and everything together - whether it ranges from taking road trips across the country to playing Frisbee and having water balloon fights.
3. Something my friends and I like to call "RSO sessions" (real s**t only). This is where we all get into a group and have the opportunity to talk about anything that's been on our minds or stressing us out lately, and then we offer any advice we may have. Being able to be comfortable enough to do this with a special group of people is not something you find very often and should be cherished when you actually do find it.
4. Spending hours on end with each other and knowing you could be doing something more productive, but you just love each other's company so much that you can't get yourself to leave. It's almost like it's out of the ordinary if you don't see everyone at least once a day.
5. They're around you enough to have seen you at your very best and your very worst.
6. You meet so many different types of people, whether it be background, majors, ages, etc. and it definitely keeps things interesting. For instance, my friend group and I could be a poster campaign for diversity in college.
7. I never have to worry about eating alone because I can always count on someone to be available at the same time I am and meet up with them! It even gets to the point sometimes where there's too many of us to fit at one table.
Whether it be my huge group of friends that all live in the same area as I do, or it being my fellow journalism friends that I have all of my classes with, I honestly couldn't have asked for better groups of people to come into my life when entering college. Thank you to all of you, who have made my college experience that much greater just by being a part of it. You know who you all are.