March 20 was the first day of spring, and thinking about this leaves me with all sorts of emotions. Every year on February 2, I look forward to hearing about whether or not Phil the Groundhog sees his shadow. Winter, although I love the snow, holidays and it being the season in which my birthday lies, is simply not my favorite. Being from Chicago, people always ask me why I'm complaining about the cold and snow since I'm used to it, but the truth is, no matter how often I've dealt with single digit temperatures and inches and inches of snow on the ground, the winter weather is just not something I enjoy. I love how beautiful the snow looks, but I hate being cold more than anything. The Tennessee weather was one of the compelling forces that attracted me to Vanderbilt. Little did I know before arriving here that even though Nashville is in the south, our weather isn't perfect all the time. It rains a lot, snowed a decent amount this winter, and easily gets down in the 20's or teens. It's safe to say Nashville's weather is extremely bipolar. So often we go from having 75 and sunny days to torrential downpours and forty degrees the next day. This is why I am so excited that spring is finally here.
This Groundhog Day, we heard that Phil didn't see his shadow, signifying that winter was almost over; however, only until recently have I actually thought this through. Embarrassingly enough, winter technically doesn't end until March 2, the first day of spring. Spring on campus at Vanderbilt makes me so happy, I honestly feel like a different person when the sun is shining and it's above sixty degrees. When it's cold out I feel dreary, bored and sad. The only thing that sounds inviting in twenty degree weather is hot chocolate and/or Netflix in bed.
Warm weather, I believe, puts everyone in a better mood, as spending time outdoors allows you to do many more fun, active activities than you would be able to do while inside and sedentary. Springtime means darties (day parties) galore, sundresses, and outdoor hikes and adventures. Even though people every year make resolutions to commit to starting on New Years Day, January 1st, I feel like it is a struggle for many to actually follow through with their resolutions when the weather makes outdoor activities limited. Many people have goals to get in shape or start living a healthier lifestyle, but for me, someone who hates gyms and loves running outdoors, it was hard to work out as much as I did in the fall since it was too cold to run outside. Springtime guarantees consistent, perfect running weather, not too hot and not too cold. Springtime is a great opportunity for those who are not runners to start running and potentially train for races, as many are held in the summer and early fall!
The limited, negative effects of this great weather are that my motivation to do homework and study is completely withdrawn, as I feel lonely and almost lazy when I'm inside and it's so nice out. What's also scaring me is that spring comes right before summer, my favorite season. In college, I don't want summer to approach as much as I did in high school. This summer will mark my halfway completion point of Vanderbilt, which is honestly frightening to me. I used to love summers in my younger years because that meant I was going to camp and wasn't expected to have an internship. At college age, all of your college and home friends are all over the place, and not everyone is guaranteed to be home. So while the weather is nice and I enjoy being home, it gives me a little anxiety when I start thinking about my summer plans and what everyone else is doing.
Since I spoke of how great a mood I am in when the weather is nice, I want to take this opportunity to spend the next few weeks outdoors exploring Nashville neighborhoods and parks I have not yet gotten the chance to. I want to be more active -- walk more, run more, etc. Everyone needs to take advantage of these beautiful sunny days and do work outside, go for a walk, sit at a park and just take in all there is around you. The opportunities are endless. Thankfully, spring has finally sprung.