In case you weren’t aware, the year is 2016 and over 293 human beings have died due to mass shootings. That’s 293 families who lost a loved one, 293 pairs of ears that will never hear the words, “I love you,” and 293 lives that were taken too soon. Yet, here we are, still arguing about gun control, and here we are with people still using the argument, “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.” While this argument is used very often when speaking about gun control, it is not a valid point. Gun violence is a serious issue and cannot be overlooked because of a catchy saying.
I want to start off by saying that, yes, guns -- in fact -- do not kill people. They are inanimate objects with no mind of their own and therefore cannot fulfill the act of killing someone. What guns can do is give someone, seriously anyone, the power to harm and kill another human being. Guns are weapons. They are dangerous and they are deadly. They are not toys and they are not to be handled lightly. Yet, that’s exactly how they are treated.
Almost anyone can walk into a gun shop or even a chain store and purchase a gun after a background check that takes only minutes and consists of some basic questions. “OK," some people would say, “but the background check at least stop criminals from buying guns, right?” Sadly, the answer to that question is no. If someone cannot purchase a gun at a store due to not passing the background check, they can purchase one at a gun show without so much as a second glance. So, basically, as long as you have the money you can purchase a gun.
People tend to say, “It’s not a gun problem. It’s a people problem.” These are people in this world who will kill others with no remorse and no sympathy, yet we have weapons ready and available for them to commit any crime with them in which they choose. This is problem that people tend to turn a blind eye to when discussing the topic of gun control.
I am not a gun hater, and I do not think that guns should be outlawed or banned. I firmly believe in guns for protection and hunting purposes. What I don’t believe in is guns that are purchased and used for the sole purpose of hurting others. What I don’t believe in is owning an assault rifle as a show and tell item. When people are fighting for no or little gun control what they fail to realize is the whole picture. People are dying. In fact, on average, 93 people a day die from gun violence, but people are still getting angry about wanting to make it harder to own a gun. The purpose of gun control is to make sure people who own guns are responsible with them and keep them out of the hands of people who will only use them for terror and violence.
Believe me when I say this is not about taking away your 2nd Amendment right. This is not about taking away your freedom. This is about saving innocent lives. This is about stopping children, parents and siblings from dying without saying goodbye. All we want is for it not to be so easy for guns to fall into the hands of criminals. It is your right to own a gun but it is also your responsibility to want to keep them from being used for horrible acts of violence. So, next time you are using gun owners favorite’s excuse, remembers guns don’t kill people but they sure do give them means to do so.