Why The Cubs Will Not Win The World Series | The Odyssey Online
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Why The Cubs Will Not Win The World Series

You can never count them out, especially this year.

Why The Cubs Will Not Win The World Series

Last postseason, while I was on my honeymoon, the possible became impossible when the Cubs were swept out of the NLCS by the New York Mets. Now being a New York Yankee fan, its easy to hate the Mets but when they swept the Cubs last postseason it was much easier to hate them again. Now fast forward to the 2016 MLB season and all of a sudden the Cubs are the Best team in the Major League. They have the best record in baseball (at this moment). Already winning 50 games (and as of today they won their 51st game). And they are looking unstoppable as of right now. So why do I think that the Cubs won't win the World Series? I have a few reasons why.

1. Its an Even Year.

Every even year since 2010 there has only been one team to rise above all the other teams and be the champion and that is the San Fransisco Giants. The Giants have 2010, 2012 (which I still don't think they should have won but that is my opinion) and 2014. But every even year the champions have been the Giants so you can never count them out, especially this year.

2. The best aren't always the best in the end.

Since 2000 the team that has had the best record that year has only won the championship three times with the best record: the 2007 Boston Red Sox, the 2009 New York Yankees and the 2013 Boston Red Sox. That's it, and another statistic is that in the last 16 years there have been five wild card winners and 11 teams that have won their division win it all. Now granted that is only in the last 15 years but still, if three other teams can be the best and stay there wouldn't you want to remain there as well?

3. It's David Ortiz's final season.

Now I know what your thinking, Why is he on this list of why the Cubs won't win the World Series? Well its quite simple. Any time that the Red Sox are in the playoffs there has been one man that has help propel them to the next game. This man has given so many postseason moments its insane. And if you don't believe me look him up on youtube. I Guarantee you will find a lot of clips of him making postseason moments like this (as seen below).

And others like this:

If anyone in their final season deserves to go out on his terms it is David Ortiz (and I'm not even a Red Sox fan).

Now with all this being said, this does not mean that I am not rooting for the Cubs. In fact I am. If you listen to the Mid-Day Madness Sports Show on 88.7 WSYC I have gone on the record to say that I will be a bandwagon fan until they win a World Series. Think about it, its been 108 years since they last won the World Series. Wouldn't you want to say to your kids or even Grandkids that I remember where I was when the Cubs won the World Series? I think it would be a historical moment and erase all the other horrible moments in their postseason past. (*Cough* Steve Bartman *Cough*). Now again all of what was said above could be true that they won't win the World Series but its the Ultimate Underdog story.. Think about it and think about hearing this, this postseason: "It's been 108 years but they finally did it! The Cubs are the World Series Champions!"

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