With a new Commander-In-Chief, the Affordable Care Act is now at risk of being no more.
Here are five reasons why we should keep it:
1. The ACA provides healthcare for the uninsured.
With the Affordable Care Act, millions of previously uninsured people now have access to quality healthcare, something everyone deserves but some cannot afford.
2. Young people don't have to worry about having basic healthcare.
Under the Affordable Care Act, young adults are covered under their parents' health care plan until the age of 26. With student loans, worrying about being able to have our basic health care needs met is not something we should have to worry about.
3. It helps provide more affordable costs for the elderly.
With the Affordable Care Act, seniors will now have access to more affordable prescription drugs, and will have access to more preventive services.
4. Medicaid will expand to 15.9 million men, women, and children.
Those who fall below the poverty line will now receive healthcare, which will be expanded to over 15.9 million men, women and children.
5. People cannot be denied now.
Those with pre-existing health conditions cannot be told they won't be covered under a health care plan.