First off, I would like to start by saying that I am severely angry and have been since the beginning of the 2016 Presidential Election. From the beginning, this election has been a joke. Someone running as "Deez Nuts" with a voting percentage of 9 percent, and Captain Obvious deciding that he would be great for America even though he’s the perfect embodiment of this election: crazy, idiotic and a joke. The people of America have treated this election with as much seriousness as an "American Pie" movie, and honestly, I don’t blame them.
The government, however good their hearts may be, has done the bare minimum to make America a place where people are happy and not struggling on a daily basis to survive. Lead in water, schools going to ruin, armed forces killing African Americans unjustly, people supporting causes full of hate and anger and continued social and political unrest are just some of the many problems the government hasn’t been dealing with.
The candidates have been a joke. From one extreme to another, and some talking out of their butts trying to get votes. To be frank, I count myself as undecided until I know which presidential candidate is the lesser of two evils. Let me repeat that: the lesser of two evils. Now I know that not everyone is perfect and everyone makes mistakes, but when people continue time and time again to vote for someone who is the lesser of two evils, I begin to worry about my future; about my family and friends’ future. The future of America. You learn the difference between good and evil when you’re young. Evil is bad and good is well... good. Being evil or even a lesser of two evils is a horrendous thing to be. I would never want an evil person running this great country.
This election has just been a huge slap in the face. Hilary Clinton continuing to lie through her mouth. Don’t even get me started with Marco Rubio and Donald Trump’s pissing contest. Calling each other names, making fun of each other for their hand and ear sizes and basically making a joke out of the other. I don’t care knowing about how much one dislikes the other, nor what the candidate's favorite kind of music is. There are real issues out there that need all the attention they can get, not what name you’re going to call your competition next. I have never been more pissed at two candidates in my life.
Even now, the GOP is realizing that Trump is now a force to be reckoned with, and now they’re scared. They don’t want to back him up anymore. Well, they should have done something earlier. They themselves thought no one in their right mind would vote for Donald Trump. Well, they guessed wrong, and now more and more people want him in the White House. The GOP should’ve been smarter, but once again, they show how ignorant and stupid they are.
Then, there is the young vote. I have heard time and time again about how little the young vote counts toward anything because we don’t get up and vote! The young voters apparently are all talk and no action. People try to get young voters involved in the elections, trying to help us make our voices heard, but apparently, when it comes time to electing the person who will be running the country for four, maybe eight years, they suddenly get lazy and sit back with a bucket of popcorn to see what will happen.
If you are angry, stand up. If you are frustrated, stand up. If you want change, then stand up! My favorite quote from Dr. Suess when he wrote "The Lorax"fits this perfectly, and I’ll end my rant with this: “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”