Oh, Oval Preachers, what a reputation you have. I had only heard of you from various friends retelling of your bigoted comments and through various social media blasts. Never had I been able to witness you firsthand but what do ya know, this was my lucky week!!
Now, who am I, a mere college student with little religious knowledge to question you all, the most prestigious teachers of our generation? How am I to know right from wrong? From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Because you have truly made me realize how blessed I am.
Firstly, I am blessed that I don't need to stand around on a college campus, preaching fake words of the gospel to the youths. Yes, FAKE. Because what you are looking for, as you video tape these occurrences in hopes of getting a rise out of students to either use for comedic purposes, or in hopes of getting so much aggression that you can somehow make some sort of profit in a lawsuit. Unlike you, I have not lost my goddamn mind, I have a life, and I have actual aspirations. But hey, if your mom's basement is that comfortable why rock the boat?
Secondly, if these are all the things you believe, I am thankful that while you preach hate, others around you raised their voices in messages of intolerance towards your ranting. Many students stepped out before you to speak of love, and of accepting one another. While your disdain of homosexuality was being expressed, two female students embraced in front of you, eliciting cheers from the crowd. It was a good reminder of the compassion that still is evident in our society, especially on our campus.
Thirdly, lastly and most importantly, thank you so much for putting down women in a way that would make Donald Trump look like a feminist. Your snide remarks about wanting to put women in their place, hoping that women won't speak without spoken to, and believing that we are only put on this earth to please our husbands and raise our children are honestly inspiring. As a college student, this is inspiring. Because it is a constant reminder of why I went to school in the first place, to make sure men like you are working for women one day, if you aren't already.
So thank you again, for everything you have taught me. Also, up yours.