For many people, the very first man in their life is the most important. Typically, this "first man" just happens to be their father. Now, I can't exactly recall the first time I met my dad since, during our first encounter, I was fresh out of my mother's womb. However, what I can recall, is that I have never had to know what life is like without him. He is one of my very first memories and to be honest, one of my favorite people. Here are some reasons to back up my statement and why I am thankful.
1. For doing the best to act "just like mom" which meant mastering the art of the ponytail.
2. For never complaining when taking me to gymnastics half and hour away. However, this meant he could make his daily trip to Menards.
3. For knowing my strengths and never getting too upset when I showed my weaknesses like getting a bad grade on a science test (I am sure that was awkward when you were my teacher).
4. For being creative when I started to acquire more and more jewelry, and finding a solution for storage by creating a necklace hanger out of an old tie hanger.
5. For never quitting on me when I was trying to learn how to drive stick even though I most certainly tested your patience.
6. For making every family vacation a learning opportunity. I know more about sea life and wildlife than what I would like to admit.
7. For having the best sense of humor that doesn't cross the line, even though it is pretty close.
8. For moving me in and out of residence halls and apartments. I know you hate the heat so I am sorry most of these moving days happened when it is 80 degrees outside.
9. For realizing that as a parent, you need to "choose your battles." I always promised you I would be safe with anything I do--still breathing, so I think it's working out pretty well.
10. For showing me that hard work does pay off.
11. For making me realize I most definitely do not want to be a homeowner because outside work and I do not mix. Pulling weeds is my own personal Hell.
12. For admitting to me when you have made your own mistakes. As time shows, a real man can admit when he has messed up.
13. For the little phone calls every now and then. Don't worry Dad, I think about you a lot too!
14. For taking care of my cat while I am away at college. You know how much that fluffball means to me!
15. And most importantly, for always supporting me with whatever I do in life.
As you can see, a father is a very special individual. They set the bar high for any future boyfriend and make you wonder why most men can't be just like them. I am not sure if I can ever put into words how much I appreciate my own father, but I have a feeling he already knows!
And a special article dedication to Mr.Tempel since it is his birthday! I love you, Dad!