Obviously, a lot of people support Donald Trump. Personally, I don't get it. I'm terrified of having him as our next president. Not only has he had no real experience with politics, but he has mostly shown more hate than anything else. I am not a fan of Hillary Clinton either, but I would have been much less anxious and scared if she had won the election. It would have been even better if Bernie Sanders had become the Democratic nominee in the past and if he had won the popular vote instead. I wish that could have been a possibility, because America would probably be in a much better state right now.
Why am I so afraid of a Donald Trump presidency, you ask? I have several legitimate reasons for my fear. Donald Trump has absolutely no regard for anyone who doesn't fit into a certain category and isn't like him. If you aren't a straight, white, cisgender, middle or upper class Christian male, then having Donald Trump as the next president of the United States is NOT going to benefit you in the least. For example, Donald trump has said that he wants to make marriage illegal for people who want to marry someone of the same sex. I understand (although I disagree) if you don't completely support homosexuality, but as a flaming liberal who supports it, I don't believe that anyone should be restricted from marrying someone that they're in love with, simply because some people might not agree with it for one reason or another.
Along with making gay marriage illegal, Trump wants to make abortion completely illegal and limit access to reproductive health care. He has specifically said that he wants abortion to be banned and women to be punished for it. Whether it is legal or not, women are still going to get abortions. The main difference is that more women will die from attempting self-induced abortions and that women who have been raped, women whose birth control failed them, and women who are unable to take care of a child will be forced to have one with no way out of it. He wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which made health care more accessible along with reproductive care and birth control for people. Why should anyone be told what to do with their own bodies? Why should access to reproductive care be limited for people with low incomes, causing them to suffer? As someone with a uterus, this definitely affects me and I am extremely concerned. There are a ton of people with uteri who need birth control for health reasons so that they can function, or even just so they don't get pregnant when they don't want to be. I don't care if you think that sex should be abstained from until marriage or whatever you may believe. Nobody should ever be forced to go by that belief if they don't want to. People should be able to live their lives on their own terms, not by the objective beliefs of some misogynistic, fake-tanned, orange man with a toupee.
There are so many reasons that I fear having Donald Trump as our next president. I am infuriated with the fact that the electoral college chose Trump, when Hillary Clinton was the one to win the popular vote. This makes me feel completely powerless as a citizen of the United States and it makes me afraid of how much power our government has over us. If Trump had won the popular vote rather than the electoral college deciding on the results, maybe I would have more respect for the outcome, even though my fear of his presidency would still be there. The electoral college needs to be either eliminated or reformed, as it has far too much control over the outcome of an election.
I am scared of what Donald Trump will attempt to do while he is in office that will affect me and the people around me that I care about. My friends and loved ones who are in the LGBT+ community, are non-Christian, non-white, female, or a different minority have been in literal tears because they are terrified and uncertain of what will happen to them. No one should have to experience this much anxiety because of the results of a presidential election; nobody should have to be so afraid that we will revert back to a point in American history when anyone that wasn't a straight, white, Christian male was discriminated against. All we can do as American citizens is fight for our rights if there is an attempt by our government to take them from us and hope that we succeed.