Tattoos. Whether you have tattoos, want tattoos, or like the idea of tattoos they have several benefits. Just think, you were given a body that you could do anything you wanted with, why not decorate its walls? Whether you like small tattoos or huge body pieces, a tattoo lasts for a lifetime and should be enjoyable and meaningful. Here are a few reasons why tattoos are good for the soul.
1. They allow you to express yourself.
Each and every tattoo is unique to each individual. You can literally get a tattoo for whatever reason you want (although most people choose to get a tattoo for a specific reason). You want to get a tattoo of your parent's signatures on your butt to look like a cabbage patch doll? Do it. You want to get a rose with your significant other's name? Do it (that is kind of risky, because some relationships will not last a lifetime like that tattoo will).
2. Sorry Mom, tattoos are actually good for your health (and the more the better).
A survey done in American Journal of Human Biology found that tattoos actually help your body fight off diseases and build a better immune system. By going to get tattoos your body gets punctured multiple times by the needles and in return your body becomes more prone to diseases. The scientists actually compared the body fighting back to weightlifting. Just as weightlifters get stronger as they workout and gain more and more muscle mass, people who have more tattoos actually have better immune systems. The more tattoos the merrier and the more chances of fighting off sickness quicker!
3. They're a lifetime investment that you can't help but love.
Getting a tattoo is like getting a new car or house, you want it to last for a long time. The only difference between the car, house, and tattoo is that the tattoo will last a lifetime with only needing little to no maintenance. And you love that investment, it's your piece (or multiple pieces) of artwork on your body.
4. The feeling of seeing your new tattoo (or tattoos).
After your tattoo is finished and the tattoo artists cleans off your skin you instantly feel relief. Whether it be because it hurt a bit or because you are amazed with the outcome once your tattoo is done it is a part of you for forever. When you get ready you can't help but to look at your tattoo like six times to see how perfect it looks. Sometimes you even do a little dance in the mirror to show it off to yourself.
5.) Having people ask about all of your tattoos.
Although it may be a little annoying at times, you have to admit you love people asking you about the stories behind your tattoos. It brings you pride to show people your tattoos and tell them how meaningful they are to you. Fellow tattooed people will more than likely love your ink!
Whether you have one tattoo, multiple tattoos, love the idea of tattoos or hate the idea of tattoos, appreciate the art people put on their bodies. Tattoos means something different to everyone. Let your tattoos fill up your soul!