Why do we take pictures?
For as long as I can remember, I have loved pictures. When I was little, I would spend hours pouring over old family photo albums, memorizing the framed pictures around the house, and eventually taking my own pictures. I can vividly remember the time in fourth grade when my parents gave me a disposable camera to take with on our trip to Washington DC. As we trekked around the monuments and memorials of DC, I snapped pictures of any and every sight that interested me.
Photography has changed the way I live my life and how I look at the world around me. I have never taken any photography classes, and by no means do I consider myself an expert – I’m just a girl with a camera and a love for capturing the world around me. Photography is more than just a hobby for me – it’s a lifestyle, and a passion. It’s what makes me tick, and what gets me starry eyed and dreaming.
Pictures become something like a visual diary or journal that capture the little moments in life.
In our modern technological society, snapping a quick photo on your iPhone a putting it on social media is ridiculously easy. Anyone with a phone has instant access to some kind of camera, and most of my friends regularly post pictures on social media.
So why do we take pictures?
1. To hold onto memories
From mundane daily tasks to holidays and special events, photos capture memories. Time goes by quickly, and it's not always easy to live in the moment. Taking photos enables us to hold on to those moments just a little bit longer.
2. To tell a story
Images have a unique ability to transport us to another place and time. We show photos to our friends and family as we tell them about our latest vacation. We take our camera with us and document our days.
3. To see the world differently
Photography teaches us to constantly take in our surroundings. We look for the unique and beautiful moments of each and every day. Nothing is too mundane to be beautiful – sometimes you just have to look for it.
4. To learn a new skill
Photography is a journey, a challenge, and a process. While anyone can snap photos on their phone, there is a difference between taking pictures and learning photography. Learning is not confined to a classroom – learning is a part of life.
5. To express ourselves
A picture is truly worth a thousand words. What we can't explain in words, we can show through photos. Pictures are not only worthwhile for documenting our days and preserving memories, but also for showing others how we see the world.