Okay. So, obviously summer does not suck. You have the freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want, but this is why I dread summer. If you are anything like me you like a schedule so you do not have free time to do nothing.
1. Summer sucks because you leave all your friends that you just made. Shoutout to my besties that I'll be missing for the next three months. Y'all will be missed.
2. Summer sucks because you have too much free time. I don't know about you but when I have too much free time I end up sleeping my life away or binge watching a new Netflix series. Like, honestly where is that getting me in life?
3. Summer sucks because you spend all summer working to get money for the fall. It is inevitable that most college students will be working almost everyday to earn money to pay for rent, car insurance, and going out money for the fall. So, even though you think you are off, you aren't.
4. Summer sucks because depending on where you live it can be extremely hot. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE laying out. It is my favorite activity but how enjoyable is it when it is 90 degrees and you can feel your skin getting 2nd degree burns? And, don't get me started on a warm pool.
5. Summer sucks because it is too short. Once summer starts I already miss summer because that is how fast it seems to go by. You will be swimming one minute then getting your winter coat out for the colder weather.
6. Summer sucks because it is a constant reminder of the fall semester. You are constantly thinking about going back, having to move in, going through rush, having actual responsibilities. Even though I love a schedule I don't always look forward to getting back to my routine.
7. Summer sucks because you either have that "summer bod" or you don't. Idgaf what your body wants. But you are either pleased with how your body is or you aren't but either way it is hot as hell out so you want to wear a minimum amount of clothing which can be uncomfortable if you didn't achieve your goals.
P.S Love your body, never give up, it is never too late to achieve your goals. Body positivity :)
8. Summer sucks because if you have allergies you already have been sneezing due to the pollen.The thing about allergies is that they seem to be okay for 20 minutes then you start sneezing like 5 times. Or your eyes are constantly watery.
9. Summer sucks for people who sweat A LOT. Okay, I sweat A LOT. I sweat when I walk to my car and sit in the seat for 30 seconds without the AC on. If you are a makeup lover, this ruins your makeup which is like $100 down the drain.
10. Summer sucks. It honestly it one of my favorite seasons because of the sunshine warming your skin when you go outside. Having the music blasting and windows down in your car. But, I wanted to point out some flaws. Have a safe and fun summer everyone!