Growing up, I’ve always been that witty, short, blonde (Figuratively and literally), quirky individual. Every other sentence either contains sarcasm or a sassy remark followed by a grin. Not to mention the innuendos and vocabulary of a sailor that typically rolls off my tongue. I spend most of my time coming up with clever captions to my pictures and living a spontaneous life to share with the world. I text or call random people just to catch up or tell a funny story about some irrelevant happening at the store earlier that day. I go on walks every evening, jam out to music, and will randomly start to dance or sing along. (I used to run on a treadmill and do that until I made it go too fast and flew off the end in front of 15+ people).I will walk up to anybody of any age and start a conversation about the weather if I feel like I could use a new friend. I joined my schools biggest show this Spring just to be a bullheaded teenager who wanted to prove to my parents that “I’ll do anything you say I can’t do”. I got on that stage, lip synced to the Spice Girls, wore an ugly christmas sweater with my own face on it, did a rendition of Jimmy Fallon’s “Thank You Notes”, and made fun of the school I called home for the previous four years.
Why am I the way I am?
Mainly because I stopped caring about what others think of me and how I’m perceived. Yes, some things I say are either borderline offensive or a tad bit too sassy; sometimes everything I say in a 24 hour span makes no sense. But that’s who I am. I want to share with the world my humor and happiness. I want to share the carefree life I have continued to live and hope that others understand the importance of being comfortable in your own skin. I love the life I live and the spontaneous adventures I have put myself through. Taking chances and doing unimaginable things help shape the character you will carry for the rest of your life. I don’t want to be known as the girl who never spoke her mind or as the girl who kept to herself. Others may find that perfection, but I want to be remembered. Every flaw to be learned from and every joke to be laughed about.
I hope someday all 7 billion people in this world realize how unique they are. Everyone carries a gift and something about them that makes them lovable to others. The first step to living a carefree life is identifying the flaws you have and transitioning your thoughts into understanding that it is simply a quirk you have.
Last but not least, take chances. Try out for the musical, talent show, or radio show. Share your voice and talents. Go out of your way to make someone happy and surprise them with the gift of your presence or a jar full of quotes. Call your best friend from middle school and ask how they are and what they are doing in life today. Find out when your cousin is playing his favorite sport and go cheer him on. Walk around the grocery store finding your favorite foods and humming to your favorite song of the week. Reconcile the friendship that had a bad ending for the sake of being civil. Finally, live life to the fullest. Don’t let an insecurity shape who you are. Build your character with the best parts of you and turn those flaws into beauty. Be remembered by those you love and care about without the fear of “being too much”. Your personality is amazing and unique, use it to the best of your ability to live a carefree, spontaneous life.