The man, the myth, the legend, and, of course, the mustache! If you haven't heard of this treasure of a man yet, then have you been living under a rock? There should be no reason why you have not heard of this Steve Harvey. There are countless GIFs on the Internet of him on his daytime talk show and as the host of Family Feud. His books-turned-into movies ("Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man") have detailed the thought process of what we are all thinking in regards to what men and women really think about about love, relationships, intimacy, and commitment. But, it seems as if Steve Harvey has become more than just a comedian, he is the voice that our generation is obsessed with nowadays. And, here are the reasons why:
1. He said what we were all thinking.
When some contestant on Family Feud says something rather unorthodox, we all are shocked in disbelief. We are obviously thinking something, but our mothers have taught us, "If you don't have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all." So, we keep quite, naturally. However, Steve Harvey has the ability to say what we are all thinking with some comedic flair, of course.
2. The Fashion
Steve, my man, you have come a long way in the fashion world. For the past decades, your fashion sense was not all too great, but it is looking good now. But, now, you can be a role model for all of your male viewers.
The Past, circa 2008:
Pit bull impersonator? ¡Dale!
The Present:
Looking up, man!
3. His lessons on love.
The man has been married multiple times. Therefore, he definitely has some good tips on how to have a long and happy relationship. Some of his life lessons include the following: compassion and compromise are key, flirt everyday, and laugh! Now, let's break those down. Some say that a relationship is 50/50. No! It is actually 100/100. You have to give 100 percent of yourself and put the other person, their concern, and satisfaction before your own. Never go to bed mad! Always talk, hug, and make up. Flirt everyday because it helps the passion stay alive and it's fun, of course. Laugh because it makes you joyful.
4. His lessons on life.
"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." Steve Harvey has been a figure in today's entertainment world with some good morals that he wants to instill in his viewers. He says, "the lesson - whether in business, careers, personal matters of life in general - is that success is about readjusting your sails, rising to the occasion, and learning to leverage failure to 'lean in' in your direction or favor."
OK, so besides all of that other fluffy stuff about life and love lessons, which all are very good things to take note on, we all wish for one thing! We all wish to grow a mustache like his! Like, omg, so much emotion coming from one piece of facial hair. You can tell when his upper lip is sad, mad, excited, or in shock. Steve Harvey's facial expressions, in accordance to his comedic timing, make us all laugh a little and enjoy life a little bit more. So, thanks, Steve! Thanks for not shaving for us! You rock. Don't ever change!