If you've ever been in a long-term relationship, you know that it is not easy. Sure it's great at the beginning when you're going through the "honeymoon stage", but then life really starts to hit the both of you, and the strength and bond of your relationship is really tested. I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and God puts certain people in your life for a reason. I love love. I love the feeling of having someone who knows you better than anyone, the feeling of having someone who is your unconditional best friend. There's nothing like it. Sometimes, it's not all perfect, and that's okay.
You have to determine if all this is worth it for the person you love, is it worth staying with them? Is your future worth what you're going through right now? To me, it is and it always will be. What's the point of putting in years if you're just going to throw it away? I have a few friends who have been in long-term relationships, and they all agree, it isn't easy. You won't always agree on everything, you'll want different things for each other, things will get hard.
We all stay for different reasons, but these reasons mean a lot to us, and regardless of what anyone tells you, your relationship is your relationship. No one knows what's best for you except for you. It is okay to fight for what you believe in. I know I have, I've never fought harder for anyone or anything than I have for him, and that is okay. Everyone's reasons are different for staying, and here are a few that I have heard from friends and family, and some of my personal reasons as well:
"We are high school sweethearts and he is all I know" age 21
This is a reason that I can most definitely relate to and it happens to be extremely common. Most likely, when you're with someone throughout high school, they are your first real love, and it is common to feel like you'll never find that love again.
"He is my first love" age 19
"I was too lazy to start over with someone else" age 21
Another extremely legitimate reason. Once you've developed a relationship with someone that has surpassed the physical, emotional, and mental boundaries you have set up, it is hard to want to start all over again with a new person. The time it took to trust that person, let them in, trust them with all your emotions and thoughts, no one wants to throw that away and start over with someone new.
"He knows me better than anyone else, he literally completes me" age 19
"He is my best friend and I was scared to lose that bond we had developed over the years" age 19
A friendship is the foundation of any relationship. If there isn't a friendship there, it will be hard to build a meaningful relationship off that. When the person you're with is not only your lover but your best friend, you feel like you don't really need anybody else and that is okay.
"We were opposites in many factors, but it was almost like a good opposite. We fit each other if that makes sense" age 19
This is the one that I can most relate to. When you find someone who is opposite to you in almost every way, but it's in a good way, it's almost mind blowing to see how you both work on things together. You may have different ways of communicating, or thinking, but it seems to work. You two almost flow together like a river. Things that you may not be good at, he is great at, and things that he may not be so great at, you excel in. Together, you put your minds together and you can take on the world, and it is hard to give that up.
"I don't think it's okay to quit just because there are obstacles in the road. Communication is key to us and that has helped us a lot" age 45
My favorite reason for my dear mother who has been with my father for 20+ years. Like I stated above, the road will get hard. Things won't be easy forever. Relationships are not, and will never be easy. It is up to you to communicate, to figure out if the rocky roads are worth the good times. Sometimes it will be, and sometimes it won't be, and that is okay! Even if it ends up not being meant to be, you will be okay, and he will be okay, and you will love again one day, even if you don't believe you will. But if you love him and he loves you, and you guys really want a future together, then continue to push through! Communicate, continue building your friendship, remember all the reasons why you loved each other in the first place. It is okay to stay and it okay to fight. Love is a beautiful concept and everyone deserves to experience it.