"Hey girl! OMG I LOVE your necklace! Where did you get it? I just have to have one!" —Jessica
"Omg hey Jessica! It's Kendra Scott! Her necklaces are so in right now, everyone has one. You totally have to get one and then we can match!!!" —Katie
Ahh yes, typical gal-pals just taking a stroll down their beloved sorority row. What's the cool new trend? Who's wearing what these days? Are you even in a sorority if you don't own a Kendra necklace? Or Hunter rain boots? How about anything Lulu or Nike? I have to throw in here before really I start this article that I, too, have fallen victim to this ultimate fiasco which is basically the blind leading the blind — AKA sorority girls starting "trends." The dictionary definition of 'trend' reads, "a general movement; a current style or preference." As accurate as this definition is, it includes nothing about using good judgment when deciding what these so-called "styles" and "preferences" are. Allow me to spell this out for you all and, hopefully, by the time you are finished reading, you will see why you are all making the huge mistake of wearing the same things as everyone else on the row.
1. OTBTs
This is quite possibly the worst thing on this list — which is why I just had to put it first. If you don't know what an 'OTBT' is, I have provided a link for your viewing pleasure. However, before you look at this lovely, versatile, stylish shoe and think, "Wow, this thing is so ugly. I can't believe people actually wear these," I can definitively say, these things are ugly and I can't believe I actually wear them. It's shameful, really. Why are we all clonking around in ugly wedges? Sure, they're pretty comfortable, and I guess they can go with a lot of different outfits, but seriously. What. Are. We. Thinking. They are not cute. We have to stop this.
2. Chokers
I have to say, I am an advocate of the choker. I love the things. Adding a classic black choker to your outfit just gives you so much confidence, and I'm really not sure why. The choker is the cherry, if you will, atop the perfect 'going out' outfit. The choker is versatile — it goes with everything. You can achieve so many different looks with just one accessory. BUT. It must stop. Why? Well, recently I went shopping, and I just happened to buy this really cute choker from a nice old man, and he was like "I can't believe girls wear these again — when I was your age, the girls who wore 'em were just lookin' for trouble. My friends and I didn't hang around those girls very much 'cause we didn't want a bad reputation." Ok. Come on. Let's end the choker trend. As much as I love it, being a clean, classy lady is so much more important than wearing a dog collar.
3. Brooks, Salomon, Asics, Etc.
Girlfriend. I know you don't go running. Everyone knows you don't go running. You even talk about how you hate running while you're wearing your running shoes that you don't run in. And if you do go running and you actually put your Asics to good use, props to you!! Everyone else, why are you just chillin' in these on the daily? Sure, they're really comfortable, and I love my Brooks Ghost 9 Women's Running Shoes, but have I ever actually ran somewhere in them? I think I walked on the treadmill with them on a couple of times maybe? I think I ran from a bee? Basically, I know these shoes are really comfortable and all, but they're not cute, and you're not running around everywhere, so lay off. Get some regular people shoes that aren't made for moms who have "26.2" stickers on their cars.
4. Anything Kendra Scott
First of all, why the heck are we paying so much money for jewelry that's not even that good quality? This is like fashion jewelry on steroids. The 'Elisa' necklace is the most popular of Kendra's and no lie, every single girl I know has one and wears it 24/7. These necklaces used to be cute way back when before everyone got them and Kendra released about a bazillion different colors, but everyone still bought the same one as their BFF. I guess you could say these are the friendship necklaces of sorority girls everywhere? #PanLove? Do you ever take that thing off? Do you shower with it on? Do you also have the matching earrings, rings, or bracelets that have the same color stone? YOU DON'T?? Don't get them. Take the necklace off. It's not cute. End of story.
5. Hunter Rain Boots
Ok, let me just start off by saying that the boots really aren't the biggest issue here. The problem I'm noticing more recently is the idea that girls think it is ok to wear Hunter's with their signature "Nike shorts and over-sized T-shirt" look. The t-shirt isn't a dress and no one wears the shorts with boots combo except for hootin' hollerin' redneck boys with their cutoff denim shorts and camouflage t-shirts (sorry to offend you guys, you do you, this is about sorority girls dressing badly). Unlike the other trends on this list, I cannot say I participate in this one because it is just so bad that I could literally never. Also, I left my Hunter's at home, so I couldn't even wear them if I wanted to. Bottom line, stop wearing boots and shorts.
6. Lululemon Tennis Skirts
Again with the apparel made for some sort of physical activity that you do have no intention of pursuing. I know you don't go to the tennis courts between classes to get a few volleys in with your gal pals. Instead, you go to your sorority house for lunch or scroll through your Instagram feed. Plus, your over-sized T-shirt so doesn't go with a skirt in any way, shape, or form. Wow, Maria Sharapova, Serena Williams, I had no idea you guys went to this school! We've gotta hang out sometime!!
In conclusion, I hope you learned something from reading this list of bad sorority girl trends and maybe you will become enlightened by my style expertise so that you may never partake in these awful outfit choices again. Seriously, don't do it. We are better than this! Let's start some good trends, you know, an "out with the old, in with the new" kind of thing? Alright. I'm done. Go drink some Diet Coke or something.
SEE ALSO:The 23 Srattiest Girl Names And What They Say About Each Girl
P.S. Dear Kendra, if you're out there somewhere reading this article, please don't hate me. I admire you. The entire female population owns at least one piece of your jewelry. Including me. And I love it.