Approaching the beginning of my sophomore year, I am realizing that I am just as nervous as I was my first year. The back-to-school jitters are setting in, but this time with a totally new set of uncertainties and expectations. Readjusting to college life after a summer off can be tricky enough, not to mention that things are going to be different once you return to school. While the last class of seniors is off in the real world, basking in their post-grad life, a batch of first years will be roaming the campus along side of you, wondering where to find their first class. Suddenly, the “I’m a first year” excuse doesn’t cut it anymore because you have one whole year under your belt. Refreshing as it may be to be back on campus, here are a few reasons why entering your sophomore year may be just as overwhelming as entering your first year.
1. There are students younger than you now.
2. Making friends is a whole new ball game.
Forced friendships through assigned roommates and orientation groups are a thing of the past. By now, many people have established their friend groups and figured out where they fit in. Branching out may be difficult, but looking for new friendships in classes, clubs, and events are great ways to meet new people.
3. You know where (almost) everything on campus is.
The whole campus is a mystery when you arrive your first year. After consulting the map they hand out during orientation alone in your room, a carefully planned excursion landed you where you needed to be. If you got a little lost along the way, it wasn’t (quite) as embarrassing to as an older student. Finding your way around isn't so hard now and you even have your favorite hangout and study spots. But if you don’t know where your class is, it's more tempting than ever to slyly pull up a campus map on your phone and hope no one asks what you’re doing.
4. You should probably know how everything works, too...
5. It's time to declare a major.
6. You already start making big summer plans.
I am all sorts of excited and nervous to begin my second year of college and I can’t wait to see what this year has in store for me. Sophomore year, here I come.