People are always judging social media. The older generation makes a lot of comments about how social media is a "waste of time" and "too complicated" and that it is something that our generation "spends too much time on." But what they don't understand is that social media is so much more than just pointless websites and apps that teenagers spend all their time on. They are an outlet, they are memories. They are a way to share your life and your memories. They are a way to stay in touch with people that don't live close to you anymore, or people you don't see often.
Social Media is a part of your life.
Instagram is a way that you can share moments and memories through pictures. It's a virtual online album. It's a place that people can post their pictures and share their memories with friends and family. It's also a way to share your talent with others and find a way to get recognized by others for their artistic views. It's a way to just share!
Facebook is a way to keep connected with your family and friends that don't live close to you or you can't see often. It's a way that everyone can know what's going on in each other's lives. This gives everyone a chance to stay informed about each other without having to talk to everyone each and everyday.
Twitter is a form of an outlet. This is a place where in 160 characters, you can just type what you feel. People do tend to get into arguments over tweets and sub tweets, but if you use it as an emotional outlet, then there is no need to argue with anyone. Twitter is where you can just express yourself through a set number of words, while staying connected with those around you.
Snapchat is a way to share memories and moments, specifically when you are in the moment. It gives you a chance to share with people what your doing right as it happens. It's all about sharing and being able to share with others on what your doing.