These days, social media is everything. People are constantly on social media, posting pictures, tweeting what they're doing. But in reality, social media is ruining peoples relationships and peoples social skills. People are always so stuck with there noses in their phones, that they don't stop to spend time with the people around them. I'm not going to pretend like I'm not one of those people, but believe me recently I've started to realize that I need to stop and see the world around me.
Recently, I've tried to stay off my phone and just spend time with the people around me and what I've realized is that I am significantly more socially awkward since I've begun using social media all the time. One of the worst things I think about social media, is that anyone can pretend to be anyone. You think you may know a person online, but in reality, they could be just about anyone pretending. You don't really know a person until you meet them, well, in person.
Children these days are also becoming increasingly anti social and losing their ability to communicate with real life humans. They become only capable of communicating through Xbox live, and when it comes time for them to communicate with real people they do not do it. I remember when I was five and six years old, when we went to the grocery store I would create chaos, run around, ask for stickers, try to take change out of machines. Now, when you go into a grocery store, kids walk around with their noses in their phones. Five and six year olds, with phones. When I was five and six all I knew was the fun I could make with my sister and my surroundings.
People become incapable of going on nice vacations to beautiful new places to experience new things, because all that is important to them is Snap Streaks. Popularity is judged on how many followers or how many likes one gets. Relationships end over who likes who's instal-pic and who is who's snapchat best friend. We become engulfed in a world that is so unimportant in comparison to the rest of the world, and the worst part about it is that it is ruining people's ability to function with other people. People go on dates and spend the entire time with their faces in their phones. People go away to see family that they never see and spend all of their time texting friends from home.
As a whole, society needs to learn how to put down the phone, get off of social media, and spend a few minutes observing the beautiful world around them because it is constantly changing.