One thing in life I wish I would never have to do is worry. Worry makes one nervous and anxious regarding future and I hope to ease the readers mind about this topic. Worry is usually derived from you doing something wrong, results, or the future. This is not to say there aren't other reasons for one to worry, but in my own experience I have found these are the three reason I worry. These reasons for worry are interchangeable and can even be concurrent. Worrying is inevitable, but its management is the key to making your worries productive rather than destructive.
Most of the time I find myself worrying is when I have done something wrong. For example, when I was a kid I broke a window kicking a soccer ball into at my neighbor's garage. I hit my target but at the aftermath could have been avoided. Instead of telling my mom right away I did not say anything. Bright idea by wannabe 9-year-old Messi that was easily foiled when my brother told on me. I didn't have to worry though, I could have been honest and told her as soon as it happened. Worry coming from doing something wrong is avoidable it's a do or don't situation and in my case the goal was not worth it so it won't be for you.
Another reason I worry is results. We have all failed a test, quiz, or some form of assessment. What’s worse is when you have to wait for the results and know you already failed. The obvious answer would be to study hard instead of worrying but that’s not the answer. In my own experience I find moving on from said failure. I can’t change my score anymore so why trip. Failing is a part of life that most dodge but helps you grow as a person. I’m not saying fail on purpose but when you do learn from it.
The future has everyone confused especially myself. Most times I don’t know what I’m going to eat for dinner, let alone breakfast. Worry is all about the anticipation of future events and their outcomes. There is so much you can control in your life and the future is one of the uncontrollable things. You can plan for the next ten years but not know what will happen within the next ten minutes. The way to overcome worrying is to be optimistic and control the things in life you that you can. You can be consumed by failure and the unknown or overcome your worries. Relax take a deep breath, keep your head up, and don’t stress what you can’t control.