We live in a hateful world, and it is especially apparent right now. There is a lot that we feel like we have no control over, but there is one thing that we as a whole need to start keeping in check, and that is our outward judgment of others. You can't scroll through any social media feed without seeing at least a handful of rude or downright ignorant comments, all of which are completely unnecessary to say in the first place. No matter what urged you to post that, take a step back, and ask yourself, who cares? People are going to (maybe) laugh at your post for a second and then keep scrolling, but the things you say can hurt whomever they're directed at for much, much longer. Get a thicker skin they say, how about stop being an asshole?
When people can't find anything else bad to say about someone, it always becomes about physical appearances. A vast majority of people feel bad about themselves as is, because of societal standards and media portrayal of the perfect person. This is not just a women's issue or a men's issue, everyone faces this. We have to stop picking at each others' flaws just to try to boost ourselves and get ahead, because in the end that gets us one step forward and three back when we become the victim. No one is perfect, but it is definitely okay for you to think that you are. I see confident people torn up constantly, solely because they're confident. There is no shame in loving yourself as long as you do so while empowering others. Do not be spiteful towards those comfortable in their own skin, just because you are not.
Why do we care so much about what others are doing, wearing, saying? I wish that I knew. There's always something to say about what she's posting on Instagram, or what he's tweeting. The truth is, it shouldn't matter. If someone is comfortable enough to post pictures in tight clothes, a bathing suit, even nothing, let them! If it bothers you so deeply, unfollow them. It is seriously that easy. You can believe that those people have no self-respect, or that they're too revealing, but that's your opinion and obviously not theirs', so you don't need to blast it all over their comments. If you don't like what you see, stop looking at it. Simple.
We do this with celebrities and our peers alike. There's a media uproar when Kim K posts a naked selfie, why? If you don't care, you don't need to tell everyone that you don't care. You may think that these people are bad role models, but I hate to break it to you, not everyone is out to be a role model. Nonetheless, we could learn something from Kim Kardashian. She loves herself, no matter what, and that's not something that everyone can say. Yes, women are worth more than their bodies and their sexuality, but if that is what she feels she has going for her then let her have it. There are much better things to be angry about than a woman's naked body.
Everyone comes in their own make and model, no one is the same, or perfect. Be who you want to be and let other people do the same. We should be praising those that openly love who they are, instead of trying to break them down to our own level of self-consciousness. There is a lot of negativity in this world, so try and be more body positive. Compliment the person in the bathroom, or in the store, and compliment yourself! The world could use some love.