As 2020 begins, I'm taking to the Notes app on my iPhone to jot down some quick resolutions. No more of this "new year, new me" crap because it never works. We need tangible, realistic goals that we'll actually stick to. For me, I've always wanted to get a tattoo, and my mom said as long as my Abuela (grandma in Spanish) never sees it, I'm good to go. Lucky for both of us, I have a plan. I mean, tattoos are pretty permanent!
First, am I bashing people with half sleeves, full sleeves, half-thigh tats, and the like? Of course not. My goal isn't to sit here and preach about how small tattoos are superior to big ones. Rather, I hope to give advice to first-timers like myself as we start the permanent and expensive decision-making process (a.k.a. help myself decide through writing this). When I scroll through Pinterest to add ideas to my tat board, I stop at every hip/thigh/other large tattoo pin and think, "Wow, these are beautiful" and go on with my day.
You might ask me what I look for in a tattoo idea. Well, I'm a simple, cliche AF ~aesthetic~ Pinterest bandwagon to put it truthfully. My board currently holds 198 clues to what I deem the perfect, small and colorless tattoo. Am I against getting color? No, but like I said, I like to be in and out. More time to watch You on Netflix, am I right? Here are some of my faves:
I've been absolutely fascinated by the connection between the brain and the heart, so I want my first or whichever tattoo to show my love for it. If you love something, why not show the world? Don't take it too far and wake up the next morning with a killer headache and a cupcake tattoo where it doesn't belong, K?
Like I said, simple girl. I am a Cancer sign, after all, so the moon calls me.
No explanation needed <3.
Definitely this placement, but with C A N C E R instead of Gemini.
With the tattoo above and this one, I'm pinning mostly for placement. Of course, a self-love tattoo is cute, but I'm looking for something with a deeper meaning. I don't want to wake up when I'm 80 and regret it.
As this year begins, what are your resolutions? Are they concrete, realistic goals that you feel you can follow through on? Well, whatever you decide, I'm all for it! Achieve those goals!! In the meantime, I'll be scrolling through Pinterest and dreaming about my first tattoo.