With the semester coming to a close, millions of college students are getting ready to take their final exams. With that being said, millions of hours of sleep are being lost. Getting enough sleep is vital for academic success. Not getting enough sleep has become a social norm that needs to change. College students are one of the most sleep deprived populations in the world.
College students live busy and stressful lives. Going to class, working out, going to work, commuting, studying for hours on end, being involved on campus, roommates, remembering to eat dinner, socializing, remembering to do laundry, and hours on the computer straining your eyes, is just a sample of the stress college students go through on the daily.
Sleep deprivation amongst college students is linked to lower GPA’s, inability to concentrate, reaction time, weakened immune system, depression, difficulty problem solving and memory loss.
Studies have shown that students need a of minimum 8 hours of sleep to have a healthy sleep pattern established in a healthy lifestyle. A good night’s sleep helps you feel less stressed, have high energy, maintain good health and work at peak performance.
A study was conducted about sleep patterns, the conclusion was, “After two weeks of sleeping six hours or less a night, students feel as bad and perform as poorly as someone who has gone without sleep for 48 hours.”
During a deep and restful sleep, your body is buliding up your immune system, restoring energy that you used during that day and your brain is actively working to create new areas for learning and memories.
Affecting your overall physical, emotional and mental health, sleep is vital for success.
Tips To Help You Sleep!
Avoid Sugars Before Bedtime: sugars stimulate your brain thus keeping you awake.
Minimize Sleep Disruption: minimize noise, light, talking, doors slamming, microwaves beeping, etc… General consideration while someone is sleeping is a universal concept!
Avoid Consumption Of Caffeine: it takes 6 hours for your body to break down half a cup of coffee.
Take A Short 20 Minute Nap: the power nap has been a proven stress management tool, increasing energy and minimizing stress.