Why should you visit Graceland Mansion once in life if you are a fan of Elvis Presley? | The Odyssey Online
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Why should you visit Graceland Mansion once in life if you are a fan of Elvis Presley?

Since Elvis Presley's death in 1977, Graceland, the home he bought in 1957 and he was buried there on its grounds, now has become a museum to his memory and a place of pilgrimage for thousands of fans who visit each year.

Why should you visit Graceland Mansion once in life if you are a fan of Elvis Presley?

Since Elvis Presley's death in 1977, Graceland, the home he bought in 1957 and he was buried there on its grounds, now has become a museum to his memory and a place of pilgrimage for thousands of fans who visit each year.

Every year, Graceland attracts a thousand numbers of visitors. It invites both die-hard Elvis lovers and people who are simply interested in the man's life. The White House is the only residence in the United States that receives more visitors each year than Graceland. Graceland is Memphis' most popular tourist attraction, and it has evolved into a tiny theme park over the years. What can do is take a look around the mansion. It will give you a sense of Elvis' life. If you some entertainment in our life then Graceland is the best choice. Some of the best points that force you to visit Graceland Mansion:

1.Second most visited private residence: This stunning mansion spans 13.8 acres in Memphis, the birthplace of Elvis Presley, the one and only King of Rock and Roll. On June 7, 1982, the museum was officially opened to the public. With over 650,000 visitors a year, it is the United States' second most visited house behind the White House.

Tour the extensive Graceland Archives, which includes Elvis' amazing collection of gold and platinum records, his stunning jumpsuits and other outerwear, memorabilia from his movies, and more! Immerse yourself in Elvis' incredible career through hundreds of treasures and photos from significant events in his life.

2.Graceland is more than just a house: Graceland is famous because of the former home of Elvis Presley. Graceland reopened in 2017 following a $45 million makeover, and it's now far more than a little old house with the kind of strange decor you'd find within a Wonderland lair.

3.You find some awesome cars: Elvis Presley was well-known for his passion for automobiles.

View 33 automobiles, including his cherished pink Cadillac, 1975 Dino Ferrari, six-door Mercedes-Benz limo, dune buggy, and more, as you wander down a tree-lined boulevard.

4.You get inspired to form his life: Elvis Presley's life is far more than just gold lame and stylish sunglasses, and his personal history is truly inspirational. Elvis Presley grew from a lower-class family in Tupelo, Mississippi, to become one of the most famous rock musicians of all time. He had the looks, talent, and pelvis, but that wouldn't have gone him very far if he didn't also have considerable persistence and an inability to accept no for an answer. He took chances, never gave up, and as a result, he had a great time.

5.You will never see anything like it: Visiting Graceland is like getting an inside look at one amazing person's life and thoughts. The Graceland home is one-of-a-kind and extraordinary in every way.

You'll be surprised by Elvis' car/toy collection, the details of his outfit, and the apparent eternalness of his gold and platinum album collection, in addition to his house design talents.

A visit to Graceland allows you to get up and personal with the affluent and famous's glamorous and crazy lifestyles.

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