What does the word 'happy' even mean? Well, that's a great question.
According to dictionary.com, 'happy' means delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing.
Okay and?
Honestly, that definition is just a lot of synonyms for the word 'happy'. In my personal opinion, happy can mean so many different things to so many different people. Not only might it mean something to someone else but what makes them happy may be different from what makes you happy or what makes your grandparents happy.
But, this article is titled, why should you be happy, so I guess I should talk about that. I'm gonna start by saying that you should be happy because being sad sucks, a lot.
You should be happy because there is not anything better in this world than the feeling of being happy or of feeling real happiness. You should be happy because life can be really beautiful and the fact that we are living it, is amazing and we are so lucky to be here today and experience so much of what this world has to offer.
Now that we know why you should be happy, maybe we can talk about things that you can be happy about.
You woke up this morning.
The sun came up today, even if you didn't see it because of gloomy weather, it still came up although hidden up in the sky.
Someone somewhere in the world is smiling right now.
Even the worst days are only 24 hours long.
Memes. Need I say more?
Those times where you laugh so hard that you cry.
Dogs and cats exist.
Endless amounts of books about anything and everything.
Cheesy jokes.
Wanna hear a cat joke? Just kitten.
Ice cream.
Your birthday.
Food in general, because I mean, who doesn't love food?
Sunrises and sunsets.
Cute babies.
People we have in our lives.
Being alive.
Exploring new places.
The ocean.
Old books that you loved when you were a child.
Board games.
TV shows.
All of the stars in the night sky.
Disney World.
Being lazy.
Giving gifts.
Windows, because without them, life would be pretty boring.
Working out.
Warm blankets fresh out of the drier.
Long walks.
Baby animals.
Being around people you love.
Deep Conversations.
Going out.
Funny stories.
Baby pictures of ourselves.
When someone talks about something that they love and are passionate about.
Changing of the seasons.
Funny videos on youtube.
Finding a new hobby.
Making new friends.
No two snowflakes are the same.
Cloud watching.
Only you can be you.
This list could be endless, but apparently there's already a book about 14,000 things to be ahoy about so I'll end it here. The point is, you can be happy about anything. Just because someone is happy about something does not mean you have to be happy about that same thing. Happiness can be found in the littlest, and simplest of things.
I will admit that being happy is hard. It is especially hard when life is doing everything it can to stop you from being happy. But when you're finally happy, genuinely happy, it is the best experience that this world has to offer. And, I sincerely hope that all of you are happy at some point or another in your live. Even if you aren't happy right now, don't give up on it and think that it's out of the question. Being happy is hard, if it was easy, then we'd all be happy all day everyday but that's not the case. Being happy is a lot of work for some people, but it is, and I will say this a million times over but, 1000% worth it.
Besides, life is a lot more fun when you're happy.