Trust me, we both are wasting our time. I am sitting here writing about a topic that should frankly be obvious and you opened this article even though there are so many reasons to be a feminist already. But don't get too insulted. I will tell you why we should all be feminists.
We need feminism. That's the main idea. We all need to be able to be decent human beings. Google it. A feminist strives to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social equality of sexes. Yes, you read right. Equality. That’s what we want.
Frankly, it should be called equality, but it is called feminism because society needs to accept that it's not weak to be a girl.
Girls are too emotional. Women are bossy. Science is a man's field. Pink is a girl’s color. Boys don't cry. No, no, no, no and no.
People are emotional for different reasons; it doesn't relate to gender. Also? Let people have emotions! It’s healthy to let it out and not keep it bottled up inside.
If it was a man, the comment would be that he possesses leadership skills, but since it’s directed towards women, she's bossy and controlling and needs to reign herself in. No, she doesn’t.
Is science a man’s field? Why are you gendering occupation and skills? Anyone, regardless of gender, has the talent and ability to gain technical and scientific skills in an ideal world.
Don't tell me science is easier for men when Katherine Johnson, an African-American mathematician calculated the trajectory, launch windows, and emergency backup return plans to the Moon, exists. Don’t tell me women are weak in science when Marie Curie, Rosalind Franklin, Lisa Meitner, Caroline Herschel and so many others have made vital contributions in physics that led to the working of modern physics today. I could go on and on.
Pink is a girl’s color and is considered to be weak and frivolous, while men’s blue is considered to be strong and tough. Look at the attributes given to the colors, just because they are associated with a certain gender. Why is pink considered weak, but blue is strong? Also, why are we gendering colors?
Everyone cries. And they should be allowed to. Being able to express your emotions doesn't make you weak. It shows how capable you are of dealing with what life throws your way. Boys and girls and all others should cry. Because that's what makes us more powerful and determined when we wipe our tears away.
Do I really need to go on and talk about the wage gap? Or how females are targeted and made the victims of sex trafficking? What about the casual catcalling on the streets that make no female feel safe? What about how men are taught emotions are weak and they need to suppress them? What about the male and female rape survivors who nobody believes?
What about those unreachable beauty standards all genders are subjected to by the media and society? What about, in rural regions of the world, when a baby girl is born, she is killed but a baby boy is celebrated? Or how parents teach their girls to protect themselves, but not the boys about consent? What about child marriage? What about the casual sexism, misogyny, homophobia, and racism that is still prevalent in society?
I could fill up a book and then fill up another and another with these questions.
There are so many reasons to be a feminist and the only thing that is stopping you is your ignorance.
The world out there is hard for all the genders and we feminists just want to make it a little bit better.