I remember it like it was yesterday, I got accepted into college, joined the Facebook group for my graduating class and searched high and low for the perfect freshman year roommate. I was terrified that I would end up with one of those creepy roommates you see in movies, like the ones that take pictures of you in your sleep or keep tracking devices on your phone. That was the last thing that I wanted to happen, so I became that girl who messaged almost everyone.
The conversations went as follows:
You want to join a sorority? Me too.
You own a cat? I don't but if you want me to own a cat, I will.
You want our room to be decorated orange? Sure, I'll agree to living inside a room the color of a fruit as long as you aren't crazy.
But these conversations were completely fake, and I didn't want to change my ways just so I didn't have to live with a crazy person. Eventually, I came across someone I didn't feel like I had to change for. Looking back on it, my messages to her were actually quite lame and pathetic, but I like that I can read them and laugh. Yes, we became roommates, and yes, it was the best decision I could have made.
I became best friends with my freshman year roommate before I even had the chance to meet her face-to-face. We talked all day, every day. I told her about my latest boy issues, and she comforted me from hundreds of miles away.
When we met, it wasn't awkward. It was like we had known each other all throughout high school. We weren't forcing our conversations, we were best friends, and that's what I had always hoped my freshman year roommate would be.
My freshman year roommate saw all of flaws, yet didn't judge me. We experienced the full effects of college life together—whether it was thinking we were gaining weight from the dining hall or helping each other out the day after a night out.
Your freshman year roommate is the one that knew you when you were discovering yourself at college. She was there to pick you up when you were down (literally), and she was there to help you through all of your small mistakes that you thought were the worst mistakes in the world. Nothing compares to living with someone completely new, who you can experience new things with and who accepted you before she even knew who you actually were.