When you enter college you hear a lot about different study abroad programs that the school offers with Italy this, France that. But you’d be surprised how few people actually study abroad while in college. Some don't because they think it is too expensive, and some don’t think that they can take classes that will work for their major. This might be true for a few majors, but with most majors, you can still study abroad.
So why not? When you study abroad at an approved program, then you can take just about any core courses you could use. Some programs even offer major courses that will work towards your major. You could take art history in a boring old classroom or you could be taking it in France where you can see some of the worlds greatest art in the Louvre.
You can go just about anywhere you can imagine, and the process is pretty simple. In addition to the fact that you’ll get to take classes in a foreign country, your financial aid will often pay for it. For me, my year in China is entirely paid for by my financial aid because the cost of a year is still less than a year at my home school.
Another reason is the language experience. Though you might not study abroad for the language in the beginning, you will learn some of the language, no matter what. That is a huge benefit for your future career. 你会说中国吗?
Since the business side of studying abroad is covered, think of the fun things you can do. You’ll meet students your own age and get to see college life in a completely different country.
You’ll also have the food.
Costa Rica
These are just a few of the cuisines you could be stuffing your face with in the future.
Beyond the food, there is alcohol. Most of the countries you could visit have different liquor laws, and so you could be drinking lager in Germany, or a pint in a pub in England. I am not saying this should be the main reason why you should study abroad, but it is a benefit.
And where you drink, you party, and partying in other countries is completely different than how we do it in college in America.
Spain’s version of a party.
Though it is likely that you won’t see the green fairy.
Or, I hope you don’t.
You'll get the opportunity to see parts of the world that you likely wouldn't be able to otherwise. For example you could go see Big Ben.
Or the Taj Mahal.
Or the Machu Picchu.
Or, you could avoid the tourist traps and see the history of the country.
Or, explore the great outdoors.
So, get out of your comfort zone and into a new culture and new life. Go talk to your school’s study abroad office and get started on a new one of a kind college experience.