1. YOLO.
Do you want to look back on your life and regret being tied down to things you never wanted to be tied down with in the first place? Everybody wants to be liked and accepted, to a certain degree, which can often lead to trying to please others. Make sure you are doing what you want to do to make yourself happy, not just trying to please others.
2. There are only 24 hours in the day.
Nobody gets extra hours, we are all given an equal opportunity when it comes to time. But with the limited hours, there is only so much we can do. Learning to say no to things that aren't important leaves time for the things that are important.
3. Reaching goals.
If you're a goal oriented person or you know where you want to be one day in life, there are certain things you're going to have to do to get there. Sometimes reaching goals requires some self discipline and saying no even when you really do want to say yes.
4. Sleep and exercise.
For most college students, these two necessities can easily get put on the back burner when opportunities that seem more appealing present themselves. It's important to remember to take care of your body, and sometimes that means saying no to staying out too late or watching too many Netflix episodes.
5. It's easy to get lazy.
Everyone wants to relax all day, hangout with friends instead of studying or exercising, or eat out instead of cooking a healthy meal. But, sometimes, you have to learn to say no to yourself so that you can do what's best for you and your body, long term. Of course, it's healthy to be lazy -- sometimes (we all need a break), but it's also important to be self-disciplined.
6. Slowing down.
College is an exciting time of life. There's always something going on, somewhere to be, new people to meet, new goals to be reached, but it's important to take time to slow down. You have to be intentional about taking time for yourself to get away, relax, clear your mind, and refocus on what's important. Saying no to whatever might come up, and making sure to get time for yourself every now and then, is extremely important in order to stay sane.
7. Sickness.
We've all gotten sick a few times because we took on too much, and didn't sleep or take care of ourselves. It's important to learn what your body is capable of handling when it comes to the amount of sleep you need, food you should eat, etc., in order to avoid constantly being sick. Sometimes, we think we can take on the world, but if you keep getting sick, you are just setting yourself back.
8. FOMO (fear of missing out).
It's real. It's impossible not to feel like you're missing something if you decide to take a day/night for yourself, especially with all of the social media people are constantly posting. But sometimes it's necessary to experience some FOMO and remind yourself that it's going to be okay. Don't allow yourself to become trapped by saying yes to everything you are asked to do just because you don't want to feel like you're missing out.
9. Resume building.
The phase of life we are in is all about setting yourself up for the future. Everybody wants to make themselves look as good as they possibly can on paper so that when it comes time to look for a job, they will have every opportunity at their finger tips. While there is nothing wrong with setting goals, and pushing yourself in order to reach them, don't forget to make sure you enjoy yourself along the way. There is no point in taking an internship that will look impressive on a resume if you have to give up your social life, sleeping as much as you need to, and everything else you care about.
10. Overcommitting.
We all know those people. I might even be one of them but it'll be our secret. The ones who over commit themselves, do so for many reasons. Some might be working on building a resume; others may like to be busy all the time because it makes them feel important. Whatever the reason, they just can't seem to say no to opportunities. If you are this person, try to remember that it is okay to say no, sometimes, and opportunities will still continue to present themselves.