Why You Should Join A Fraternity | The Odyssey Online
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Why You Should Join A Fraternity

Why You Should Join A Fraternity

To the outside world, fraternities seem like nothing more than a social club for college guys to join to throw huge parties and impress girls. 

Granted, the parties are great, but being part of a fraternity is so much more than that. Here are some of the reasons why joining a fraternity is a great decision.

The main premise that fraternities push is simple: brotherhood. In my opinion, the only two organizations that accomplish the feat of turning a group of strangers into “brothers” are the Armed Forces and fraternities. While the way that the two organizations accomplish this is vastly different, the outcome is quite similar. Instead of being bonded through the rigors of combat and training, members of fraternities bond through century old traditions and rituals that only the members of that fraternity will ever know. 

Fraternities also offer leadership roles which encourage growth and maturity among members. The structure of a fraternity is a great introduction to the corporate world. Inside a fraternity, there is an Executive Council. This is a group of members who have been elected to lead the fraternity in various ways. The Executive Council answers to the national fraternity organization that is run by a group of alumni. These leadership roles and the coordination between the leaders of a fraternity and the national organization are something that potential employers love to see on a résumé, because it shows that the individual is familiar with responsibility and answering to a higher authority. There are also many fraternities that are associated with certain fields of study, but most fraternities are pretty diverse. Many alumni look for people to hire within their fraternity, which could be a perfect way to get your foot in the door with a great company. 

Beyond the benefits that fraternities offer to a guy seeking to make connections and learn about leadership, joining a fraternity is a great way to spend your college career. Despite what some people think, being in a fraternity is actually economical. Instead of having to pay rent for an apartment and all of the utility expenses that go along with it, you can live in the fraternity house, which is basically a dorm with all of your closest friends. Many fraternities also have cooks that prepare meals during the school year for a very reasonable price, so your food and rent bill is consolidated.

A common reason I hear from guys who chose not to join a fraternity is something along the lines of, “I don’t fit in with fraternity guys.” First of all, not every fraternity is the same, and the stereotypical fraternity guy is not a good example of your average fraternity member. Not everyone fits in perfectly with the fraternity they choose to join. In fact, the majority probably don’t.

The biggest mistake a guy who is interested in becoming a part of a fraternity can make is to deny himself the opportunity based on the fact that he doesn’t think he fits in perfectly. You won't know until you join and become a brother of that organization. Yes, you should choose an organization whose members seem to have the same interests and values as you do, but don’t be deterred from joining because you feel like you wouldn’t be a perfect match. 

Becoming a member of a fraternity was one of the best decisions I’ve made in college. I hope you now have a clear understanding of why joining a fraternity is far more than what it seems. 

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