Credit cards get the bad reputation that they force you into using money that you don't have (which is a valid reason), but credit cards can be used for good, especially when building your own credit. Credit cards can be used for your own financial well-being! Those who are smart credit card holders can earn more money by using their card.
Credit cards build a credit history. Want to know how to build your credit score and how to have a great credit score? Use a credit card! Building a credit history is essential when you start plans to borrow money from the bank. Unlike your debit card, credit cards have a track record that keeps an eye on your balance and helps your score to grow. The longer that you use your credit card (responsibly), the more you end up building a credit history, the more you improve you potential credit score.
Credit cards give cash back when you use them. When you make any type of purchase with your cash back credit card, you earn a small amount of money back. The cash back card was started by Discover - who still has one of the best credit card cash back programs out of all the other companies.
Credit cards track your spending for you, coming with a built-in expense tracker. Your purchases are recorded online with all the essential information - that keeps the where, when, why and how much you are spending. If you want to keep yourself on a certain budget, you can be able to stay on track with a credit card.
Credit cards also come with a built-in grace periods. Credit cards offer a zero-interest loan for 30 days or less. Credit cards also don't require you to have the funds to purchase immediately.