All across college campuses, you see girls walking around in the classic T-shirt and norts (Nike shorts). This look has taken over. This past week I interviewed three girls on the subject asking them three simple questions. Why do you do it? How does it make you feel? Do you recommend it to others? If you're not a T-shirt and norts wearing kinda gal (much like myself) this article may inform you on if you should try the look and if it's the right look for you.
1. Why do college girls wear this look?
This is one question I often ask when related to style. I personally tried the T-shirt and norts trend last semester but just didn't feel myself. So I asked the burning question of why.
"For the comfort. It's quick and easy to put on in the morning, and most of the items I own are T-shirts and norts," said Magan Edwards, a sophomore at UNC Chapel-Hill.
This is the main response I got for this question. Comfort is key when it comes to college classes and long hours of studying. When sitting in that 75 minute Tuesday/Thursday class what else can a girl want other than comfort? This is why many choose to rock this look mostly alongside the ever-popular Chacos.
Another relevant response involved past high school lives and how restricted we were in terms of dress code.
"I went to private school for all of my life. We had a strict dress code where we had to look like little business people," said Emily Lawson, a sophomore at UNC. "So now in college, I can finally wear them, so I'm taking this opportunity to wear all the T-shirts I couldn't wear back then."
2. How does wearing this make you feel?
I know when I wear a really cute outfit to class I feel powerful and ready to take on the world. So asking the question of how these girls feel wearing T-shirts and norts was another pressing question.
"Well it kinda makes me feel like everybody else because most girls, at least at UNC, wear T-shirts and norts," said Lawson Wednesday afternoon. "I really don't like to stand out. I also love how you get to show off who you are based on your T-shirts."
The idea of feeling like you're a part of a community takes over when it comes to this college look.
3. Would they recommend this look to others?
The last question I asked is whether they would recommend this look to other girls, and why.
"100% I would. I think it's very comfortable and very practical for a typical day. Sometimes you need to go with comfort over style," said Grace Smith, an exercise and sports science major at UNC.
With a 100% of those asked recommending the look, it's hard to not want to rock it.
Now knowing all of this information, I can definitely understand the reasons why. To all the T-shirt and norts rocking girls - keep on keeping on!