Sexual harassment has been an issue throughout the years and there are still many voices that are not being heard. This has been a controversial issue on college campuses. Many colleges do not offer enough services to prevent this from happening. Yes, there are organizations on campus that help victims that have suffered through this, but there is no help when sometimes a student has to walk during the night on the college campus.
This is a big issue at huge college campuses since during the night the campuses are not filled with illumination. This creates higher risks for people to become victims of rape and sexual assault. this issue creates many controversies because sometimes the victims are helped enough and sometimes have to struggle alone through this because of the psychological effects that come with it and also because many times the services offered on campus are not helpful at all. We should enforce better security and protection on college campuses for the safety of the students to prevent sexual harassment; action is needed now because one in five college students will be sexually abused this year if nothing is done.
Not only is there an issue on the outsides of the university campus, but also on the insides. And by that, I mean college dorms. Many people may fear walking to their car at night and armed with a prepper spray while holding their keys, but the most dangerous place maybe the building where they sleep at night. Within 2016 – based on data up to July – seven of the eight rapes reported occurred in dorms . The numbers will increase if there is nothing done to prevent these issues.
We need to enforce better security systems to protect college students from going through this horrible experience that can change their lives forever. Many believe that it is a self-issue, but it is really not like that at all. If we all work together to enforce security in the university we can.
All students should be guaranteed safety in their own living space while living on campus. There is an estimation of a 63 percent of all rapes were reported at ASU dorms. Freshman dorms are reported to have 17 percent, upperclassmen with 19 percent. Dorms that are neither just for freshmen or upperclassmen account for further 27 percent of reports
What is sad about this issue is that sometimes many students do not speak about these issues and that is a major issue because they feel unsafe to talk about these topics, due to the lack of safety there is on campus and they feel vulnerable and skeptical to even trust the university or college to seek help from them since the incident occurred while they were on campus.
It is important for college campuses to create more resources to help with this issue, more than what they already have, probably if they give more conferences at the dorms and other places on campus will make the victims feel safer on speaking about these topics and situations. If we create a safe sense of community engagement, then there will be successful results.
A plan to determine the reduction and/or elimination of sexual harassment on campus is to increase the security and lighting on campus.
Many think that this is not a big issue, but when a university cares more about plagiarism than sexual harassment, then it is a big issue because we are not talking enough about this topic, which needs to be put out there to educate people and also help those in need.
We never know how it feels until it happens to us. Rising together and working in collaboration will reduce the high rates of sexual harassment on college campuses. We should enforce better security and protection on college campuses for the safety of the students to prevent sexual harassment; action is needed now because one in five college students will be sexually abused this year if nothing is done.
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