"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?' and I said, 'Here am I. Send me!'" -- Isaiah 6:8
Every summer, I spend a week, in ungodly heat with little connection to the outside world, working to better the homes of people who can't better them themselves. Doing mission work is an incredible experience that little get to witness. In my opinion, missions are the most important part of Christianity, next to the Word.
When I tell people about my experiences working on those homes, they always ask, "Why?" Why did I give up a week of my summer to do hard labor in the heat? Why did I do something so selfless with nothing in return? Why do I thoroughly enjoy it?
There's only two words I can use to answer those questions, love and God.
I do what I do to spread the gospel in a unique and direct way.
Those people who I've impacted, have experienced the love of God in an intimate and firsthand manner. The miracle and love they've felt over that one short week, surely can't be felt by anyone living a lifetime just by going to church. I'm sure if you ask any one of the homeowners I've worked for if their life was forever changed, not just by the work that was done on their home, but by the love God showed them that week, then they would immediately agree. Their faith does not compare to that of an individual who grew up in faith; it's incredibly stronger, brighter and they're a lot more likely to share it with you.
I do what I do because God told me to.
"Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. When God's people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality." -- Romans 12:11-13
God's people are in need; I'm there, ready and eager to work. He needed someone to go, so I will go. He asked me to go, so I have to go and I'll go bursting with joy that He needed me to be the one. You're suppose to live out the Word, as is and as promised to you, and the verse above is a perfect representation on how to live and serve others.
I do what I do because the love I have for God and the love He planted in my heart for other people.
He granted me with compassion, so why not take that gift and do something with it? God told me to love my neighbor, so I'll be loving and serving until the day I die.
So why do I serve God? I serve God because I was called by Him to love and serve others, as He did and to spread the gospel in a way that is extraordinary.